





Jiangnan University is located in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, at the geometric center of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone and along the shore of Taihu Lake. It is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, recognized as part of China’s "Project 211" and the "Double First-Class Initiative" (First-Class Universities and First-Class Disciplines).

The university is home to four academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). It offers academic programs across 11 major disciplines: science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, liberal arts, law, economics, management, education, arts, and interdisciplinary studies. The institution has established 9 postdoctoral research stations, 13 first-level disciplines authorized to confer doctoral degrees, 3 professional doctoral degree programs, 35 first-level disciplines authorized for master's degrees, and 22 professional master's degree programs.

The Food Science and Engineering discipline at Jiangnan University focuses on addressing major national strategic needs and advancing the frontiers of scientific development. It is committed to establishing an interdisciplinary academic framework and platform development centered on "Grand Health-Grand Convergence". The agriculture-related disciplines primarily supported by food science have entered the top 0.01% (1‱) in the global ESI subject rankings. The university boasts multiple national-level research platforms, provincial/ministerial key laboratories, and industry-academia-research bases, including the National Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resource Utilization, National Engineering Research Center of Cereal Fermentation and Food Biomanufacturing, National Engineering Research Center for Functional Foods, and Jiangsu Province Interdisciplinary Center for Food Nutrition and Human Health. These facilities provide robust support for scientific innovation.

The discipline emphasizes three core areas:

1. Food Nutrition and Health Science

2. Intelligent Food Processing and Manufacturing

3. Food Safety and Systemic Risk Control

It actively integrates cross-disciplinary research in artificial intelligence, sensory science, mechanical engineering, public health, synthetic biology, and chemical engineering.

We sincerely welcome global talents in food science and related interdisciplinary fields to join us!



- Recruitment Targets -



(1)Distinguished Scholars

Distinguished Scholars should be internationally recognized experts with exceptional academic leadership, pioneering research at the global forefront, and world-class scholarly achievements. Candidates must demonstrate significant influence in their fields and maintain good health to fulfill professional responsibilities.



(2) Leading Experts

Leading Experts should hold a doctoral degree, possess substantial academic expertise and visionary insights, and have held formal teaching or research positions at universities, research institutes, or corporate R&D centers. Over the past five years, candidates must have produced landmark research achievements widely recognized by peers, along with national-level recognition of their academic contributions. They should also demonstrate the ability to lead a high-caliber research team.

Age Limit: ≤45 years.



(3) Top Young Talents

Top Young Talents should hold a doctoral degree and have formal teaching or research experience. Candidates must show exceptional promise in their fields, evidenced by peer-recognized achievements and potential for innovative contributions.

Age Limit: ≤40 years.


1. 高校、科研院所正高级专业技术职务人员,年龄一般不超过45周岁;副高级及以下专业技术职务人员,年龄原则上不超过37周岁;近五年业绩应高于我校同学科相应岗位平均水平。

2. 高校、科研院所博士、博士后,研究成果较为突出,且在所从事学科、相关领域具有较大发展潜力,年龄一般不超过37周岁。


(4) Excellent Talents

1.Senior researchers (≤45 years) or associate/junior researchers (≤37 years) with performance exceeding the average level of their peers at Jiangnan University.

2.PhDs/postdoctoral researchers (≤37 years) with notable achievements and high potential in their disciplines.

Excellent Talents will undertake teaching and research responsibilities aligned with institutional priorities.



- Compensation and Benefits -


Jiangnan University offers competitive compensation packages tailored to candidates' academic qualifications and developmental potential, with specific terms negotiated individually for distinguished scholars, leading talents, and outstanding young researchers. Comprehensive support is provided across multiple dimensions including start-up funding, housing subsidies and relocation allowances, research infrastructure development, and team recruitment facilitation.

The university prioritizes support for top-tier talents in interdisciplinary fields such as food computing, food perception, and food biosynthesis (with national-level recognition). These candidates will be recruited as independent Principal Investigators (PIs) and receive dedicated institutional support for research team formation.



- Policy Support -


Talent Programs and Funding

1. 优先推荐申报江苏省“双创计划”“江苏特聘教授”等省级人才项目,如入选,省财政给予相应的经费资助。

2. 优先推荐申报无锡市“太湖人才计划”,如入选,无锡市给予10-1000万元的项目经费资助。

3. 根据无锡市《关于更大力度支持优秀青年人才来锡发展的十项措施》《“太湖人才计划”人才分类认定实施办法》《“太湖人才计划”高层次人才服务保障实施办法》《无锡市高层次人才宜居保障实施办法》,符合条件者,可申请相关补贴。

1. Priority recommendation for provincial programs (e.g., Jiangsu Innovation & Entrepreneurship Program, Jiangsu Specially Appointed Professors), with provincial funding upon selection.

2. Priority recommendation for Wuxi Taihu Talent Program, offering RMB 0.1–10 million in project funding.

3. Eligibility for municipal subsidies under Wuxi’s Ten Measures for Supporting Outstanding Young Talents, Taihu Talent Classification Policy, and related programs.


Additional Policies

1. 对全职引进至蠡湖校区、东氿校区和霞客湾校区的人才,符合条件者,可按学校规定纳入相应事业编制。以校聘二类(人事代理)引进的,后续达到学校进编要求,且符合上级规定的进编条件,可办理进编手续。

2. 对全职引进至蠡湖校区的人才,符合条件者,可申请蠡湖校区周转房。对全职引进至东氿和霞客湾校区的人才,符合条件者,可申请对应租购房补贴。

1. Qualified full-time hires at Lihu, Dongjiu, or Xiakewan campuses may be granted formal bianzhi (institutional establishment) status. Personnel agency hires may convert to bianzhi upon meeting requirements.

2. Housing support: On-campus housing at Lihu Campus or rental/purchase subsidies for Dongjiu and Xiakewan campuses.



- Recruitment Process -


1. 应聘者提交个人简历到学院联系人邮箱;

2. 学院根据人才引进工作程序进行初审、综合考察;

3. 学校进行综合考察;

4. 学校对通过初审、综合考察等程序的拟引进人员进行审议;

5. 学院通知学校审议通过的人员来校办理入职手续。

The recruitment of talents is carried out all the year round. The specific procedures are as follows:

1. Submit CV to the designated college contact email;

2. Preliminary review and comprehensive evaluation by the hiring college;

3. Comprehensive evaluation by the university;

4. Final approval by the university;

5. Onboarding procedures for successful candidates.



- Positions and Contact -

1. 招聘岗位 Career Opportunities

2. 联系方式 Contact Information



Contact Person: Ms. Deng

Tel: +86-510-85912875


为深入探讨未来食品在大食物观框架下的创新发展机遇与挑战,促进产学研用各界的交流合作,由北京食品科学研究院、中国肉类食品综合研究中心、国家市场监督管理总局技术创新中心(动物替代蛋白)及中国食品杂志社《食品科学》杂志、《Food Science and Human Wellness》杂志、《Journal of Future Foods》杂志主办,西华大学食品与生物工程学院、四川旅游学院烹饪与食品科学工程学院、西南民族大学药学与食品学院、四川轻化工大学生物工程学院、成都大学食品与生物工程学院、成都医学院检验医学院、四川省农业科学院农产品加工研究所、中国农业科学院都市农业研究所、四川大学农产品加工研究院、西昌学院农业科学学院、宿州学院生物与食品工程学院、大连民族大学生命科学学院、北京联合大学保健食品功能检测中心共同主办的“第二届大食物观·未来食品科技创新国际研讨会”即将于2025年5月24-25日在中国 四川 成都召开。




为进一步深入探讨食品产业在当前复杂多变环境下的高质量发展路径,并着重关注食品科学、营养安全保障的基础研究与关键技术研发,贯彻落实“大食物观”和“健康中国2030”国家战略,北京食品科学研究院和中国食品杂志社《食品科学》杂志、《Food Science and Human Wellness》杂志在成功召开前十一届“食品科学国际年会”和五届“食品科学与人类健康国际研讨会”及二十余次食品专题研讨会的基础上,将与国际谷物科技协会(ICC)、湖南省食品科学技术学会、湖南省农业科学院农产品加工研究所、湖南农业大学、中南林业科技大学、长沙理工大学、湘潭大学、湖南中医药大学、湖南农业大学长沙现代食品创新研究院共同举办的“第十二届食品科学国际年会”即将于2025年8月9-10日在中国 湖南 长沙召开。




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