
March 24, 2025

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Many schoolchildren dislike learning math. What are the reasons and what are the best ways to make enjoy math?




Despite the fact thatmathematicsis generally acknowledged as arequired subject,math-phobiais notpeculiaramong pupils, who appear todemonstrateincreasing levels ofdreadand fear whenencounteredwith this subject. There aremultiple dimensionsto the potential explanations.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ mathematics n. 数学;数学运算

❖ required subject 必修课:指在学校或大学中必须选修的课程

❖ math-phobia数学恐惧症

❖ peculiar adj. 奇怪的,不寻常

❖ demonstrate v. 证明;示范,演示

❖ dread n. 害怕,畏惧;

❖ encounter v. 遭遇;偶遇

❖ multiple dimensions 多维度

Body paragraph 1

School-agechildren’sunderappreciationof this subject is a clearmanifestationof schools’feeble effortson exploringcuriosity-driventeaching methods.Centralityof repetitivedrills wearsthe young minds’ enthusiasm for eitherarithmeticoralgebra, while a high error rate inevitably makes themfallshort ofinstructors’ expectations. Thisdisorientationis furtherstokedbyrote memorizationof key concepts andformulaswhich seem to bearirrelevanceto daily grocerytotalingof telling time. However, the pressure to perform well on tests and exams is at thecoreof the reasons. For instance, youngtest-takersmust absorb,evaluate, and judge thenumber-basedinformation in a limited amount of time in order to solvea parade of equations. This demand could be extremely challenging for those withshortened attention spanor evenADHD. In some cases, thetroublesomepersonalities of either teachers or parents could eventuallyheightenkids’ math anxiety, as fear furtherblursthe their judgement.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ school-age adj. 学龄的

❖ underappreciation n.低估,不够重视:对某人或某事的价值、重要性或贡献的评价不足。

❖ manifestation n. 表现,显现;表现形式

❖ feeble efforts 微弱的努力:指缺乏力度或效果不佳的努力

❖ curiosity-driven adj.好奇心驱使的:由好奇心激发和推动的

❖ centrality n. 中心;中央;向心性

❖ drills n. 钻,钻机;训练,演习

❖ wear v. 使疲乏,使虚弱,使厌倦

❖ arithmetic n. 算术;演算,计算;数据统计

❖ algebra n. 代数;代数学

❖ fall short of 未达到预期的标准、目标或期望

❖ disorientation n. 迷失方向;迷惑

❖ stoked v. 煽动;激起

❖ rote memorization 机械记忆:指通过反复重复和死记硬背的方式来记忆信息,而不是理解和深入思考

❖ formula n. ;公式,方程式

❖ irrelevance n. 无关紧要;不相关的事物;无意义的事物

❖ totaling v. 总计(total 的 ing 形式)

❖ test-takers 测试者

❖ evaluate v. 评价,评估,估值

❖ number-based adj.基于数字的

❖ a parade of 一连串的,一系列的

❖ equations n. 方程式;等式

❖ shortened attention span 注意力持续时间缩短

❖ ADHD abbr. 注意力不集中症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

❖ troublesome adj. 引起麻烦的,(尤指)令人讨厌的

❖ heighten v. 提高,增强

❖ blur v. (使)看不清楚,记不清

Body paragraph 2

Nevertheless, thischokingsensation towards numbers could be diminished bya string ofmeasures. Most importantly, anarchipelagoapproach could allow immature kids to echo withabstractfigures. For example,geometrycould be used to analyzeshapes and patternsof the visually spectacularMachu Picchu, while arithmetic could be applied in navigating the most efficient route on the way home. Connection with daily life raises kids above thehumdrumof endless math drills. Equally important, integration of fun-centeredassessmentsmethods, ranging from usingflashcardsto having math games, could pull kids out of the test rut. But even after adjusting for this, trends remaingloomyfor those withdigital overload—a main culprit forcurtailingchildren’s concentration. To dimmish unwanted parental impacts, campus need to organize sessions to improve parental techniques, involving monitoring children’s abnormal behaviors and fostering hands-on skills. Although this may soundburdensometo some parents with busy working schedule, it isn’t, since most parents tend to prioritize children’sacademic prowess, whileturning a blind eye totheir kids’ weakened well-being.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ choking adj. 令人窒息的,透不过气的

❖ a string of 一系列,一串

❖ archipelago approach 群岛方法具有比较性,并在传统的学科界限之间运作

❖ abstract adj. 抽象的,纯概念的;

❖ geometry n. 几何,几何学;几何形状,几何构造;几何体系

❖ shapes and patterns 轮廓与图案

❖ Machu Picchu 马丘比丘(古城,位于秘鲁中部偏南)

❖ humdrum n. 单调;乏味

❖ assessments n. 评估,评价;估价,估计

❖ flashcards 抽认卡

❖ gloomy adj. 阴暗的,幽暗的;沮丧的,悲伤的;

❖ digital overload 数字化过载:指由于过多的数字信息和技术应用而导致的心理和生理负担过重的状态。

❖ curtail v.限制,缩短

❖ burdensome adj. 负担沉重的,繁重的

❖ academic prowess 学术能力:指在学术领域中具有出色的能力和表现

❖ turn a blind eye to 对……视而不见:故意忽略或不理会某事或某人的行为或问题


To sum up, the beauty of mathematics can and should befully presentedto our next generation, who should never be thescapegoatof the inefficient educational system or poor parenting.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ fully presented 全面呈现

❖ scapegoat n. 代人受过者,替罪羊

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