在繁华喧嚣的旅游热潮中,总有一些地方,如同遗珠般静静地躺在时光的角落,等待着有心人的发掘。泉州,这座闽南文化的璀璨明珠,早已名声在外,吸引了无数游客的目光。然而,在泉州的光芒之下,邻近的莆田却似乎被忽视了。今天,就让我带你走进这片未被过度打扰的闽南文化宝藏,开启一场充满历史韵味与文化底蕴的免费之旅。(Discovering the Hidden Treasures of Southern Fujian Culture in Putian: A Free Travel Adventure)


如果你觉得泉州因为游客众多而略显拥挤,那么不妨将目光投向邻近的莆田。两座城市之间的高铁连接紧密,仅需26分钟即可到达,让你的旅行变得轻松又便捷。(From Quanzhou to Putian: A Convenient High-Speed Rail Journey)



概况:我们的旅程从东方二十五坎开始。这个地方因其独特的建筑风格和浓厚的闽南生活气息而备受瞩目,被誉为“东方威尼斯”和“涵江小上海”。(Overview: Our journey begins at Dongfang 25 Kan, a place renowned for its unique architectural style and rich Southern Fujian lifestyle, earning it the nicknames "Venice of the East" and "Little Shanghai of Hanjiang".)


免费入场:东方二十五坎免费开放,无需门票即可畅游其中,感受古老建筑与现代生活的完美融合。(Free Entry: Dongfang 25 Kan is open for free, allowing visitors to experience the perfect fusion of ancient architecture and modern life without needing a ticket.)

摄影最佳时间:如果你喜欢摄影,那么傍晚时分是来这里的最佳时机。长廊上的光影婆娑,与上午阳光无法照射到的景致截然不同,为摄影爱好者提供了绝佳的拍摄机会。(Best Time for Photography: If you love photography, the evening is the best time to visit. The flickering light and shadows on the long corridors create a scene vastly different from the one in the morning, providing an excellent opportunity for photographers.)

附近拍摄佳地:距离二十五坎不远处,有一栋极具特色的圆形居民楼,也是拍照的好地方。这里的建筑风格独特,与二十五坎的古老建筑相得益彰,为你的旅行增添更多色彩。(Nearby Photo Spot: Not far from Dongfang 25 Kan, there is a distinctive round residential building that is also a great place for taking photos. Its unique architectural style complements the ancient buildings of Dongfang 25 Kan, adding more color to your trip.)


东山报恩寺:这座寺庙历经千年风雨和多次地震,仍保持着那份幽深与质朴。与那些过度商业化的寺庙不同,报恩寺给人一种宁静与安详的感觉,是寻求心灵慰藉的好去处。(Dongshan Bao'en Temple: This temple has withstood the test of time through thousands of years of wind and rain, as well as numerous earthquakes, while maintaining its depth and simplicity. Unlike overly commercialized temples, Bao'en Temple offers a sense of tranquility and peace, making it a great place to seek solace for the soul.)

湄洲妈祖行宫:妈祖行宫源自宋代,承载着厚重的历史。每年,这里都会举办盛大的妈祖祭祀大典,吸引着无数信徒前来朝拜。走进行宫,你会被那份庄严与肃穆所感染,仿佛穿越回了那个遥远的时代。(Meizhou Mazu Temple: This temple originated in the Song Dynasty and carries a heavy historical burden. Every year, a grand Mazu sacrifice ceremony is held here, attracting countless believers to come and worship. Stepping into the temple, you will be overwhelmed by its solemnity and reverence, as if you have traveled back to that distant era.)


南山广化寺:作为闽南地区历史悠久的佛教圣地,广化寺始建于南朝,距今已有1600多年历史。寺庙庄重而安宁,是寻求内心平静与智慧的好去处。在这里,你可以聆听僧人们的诵经声,感受那份超脱世俗的宁静。(Nanshan Guanghua Temple: As a historic Buddhist holy site in Southern Fujian, Guanghua Temple was first built during the Southern Dynasties and has a history of over 1600 years. The temple is solemn and peaceful, making it a great place to seek inner calm and wisdom. Here, you can listen to the chanting of monks and feel the tranquility beyond the mundane world.)

释迦文佛塔:这座仿木结构的石塔历经风霜侵蚀,却更显文化底蕴深厚。塔身雕刻精美,每一层都蕴含着深厚的佛教文化意义。站在塔下仰望,你会被那份庄严与神圣所震撼。(Sakyamuni Pagoda: This stone pagoda with a wooden-imitation structure has withstood the erosion of wind and frost, making its cultural heritage even more profound. The tower is beautifully carved, with each layer containing deep Buddhist cultural significance. Looking up at the pagoda from below, you will be awed by its solemnity and sanctity.)


绶溪古桥:这座宋代建造的古石桥依旧古朴典雅,见证了岁月的沧桑与变迁。走在桥上,你可以感受到那份历史的厚重与岁月的沉淀。(Shouxi Ancient Bridge: This ancient stone bridge built during the Song Dynasty still retains its elegance and simplicity, witnessing the vicissitudes of time. Walking on the bridge, you can feel the weight of history and the precipitation of time.)

绶溪公园:古桥所在的绶溪公园风景如画,是市民休闲的好去处。节庆时,这里还会举办传统活动,让你在欣赏美景的同时,也能感受到浓厚的本土文化氛围。你可以悠然漫步于公园之中,或是乘坐游船饱览风光,享受那份宁静与惬意。(Shouxi Park: The park where the ancient bridge is located is picturesque and a great place for citizens to relax. During festivals, traditional activities are held here, allowing you to feel the rich local cultural atmosphere while enjoying the beautiful scenery. You can take a leisurely walk in the park or take a boat ride to soak in the scenery and enjoy the tranquility and comfort.)


古谯楼:这是兴化府的标志性建筑,与兴化府老街紧密相连。古谯楼见证了时光的流转,凝结了丰厚的历史故事。登上楼顶,你可以俯瞰整个老街的风貌,感受那份历史的厚重与岁月的沉淀。(Ancient Qiao Tower: This is the landmark building of Xinghua Prefecture, closely connected to Xinghua Prefecture Old Street. The Ancient Qiao Tower has witnessed the passage of time and accumulated rich historical stories. Climbing to the top of the tower, you can overlook the scenery of the entire old street and feel the weight of history and the precipitation of time.)

兴化府老街:这里充满了浓厚的本土气息,是了解莆田传统文化的好去处。老街上有非物质文化遗产展示馆供你了解传统文化,还有各类地道小吃满足你的味蕾。夜晚的老街更是别有一番风味,流光溢彩下的民俗表演令人沉醉。(Xinghua Prefecture Old Street: This place is filled with a strong local atmosphere and is a great place to learn about the traditional culture of Putian. There are non-material cultural heritage exhibition halls on the old street where you can learn about traditional culture, as well as various local snacks to satisfy your taste buds. The old street at night has a unique charm, with folk performances under the flowing lights that are captivating.)


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