1 英语原意
矩阵的秩:Matrix Rank
2 英文解释
The rank of Matrix is how many of the rows are "unique": not made of other rows. (Same for columns.)
矩阵的秩 Matrix Rank 是什么意思?本意明明是等级的意思,但翻译成中文之后却变了味
The second row is just 3 times the first row. Just a useless copycat. Doesn't count.
So even though there are 2 rows, the rank is only 1.
What about the columns? The second column is just twice the first column. And the third column is three times the first (or 1.5 times the second) so also doesn't count.
So the columns also show us the rank is only 1.
In fact the rows and columns always agree on the rank (amazing but true!).
When we talk about rows here, we can also say the same thing about columns.
So we don't really need to work out both.
3 中文解释
矩阵的秩 Matrix Rank 是什么意思?本意明明是等级的意思,但翻译成中文之后却变了味
4 感想体会
矩阵的“秩”是什么意思,绝大多数的人第一印象都是秩序的意思,但它明明是 Rank 的意思,两者意思相差甚远。
英文单词 Rank 的含义:
Rank 在这里应该是等级、级别的意思,Matrix Rank 其本意是矩阵的等级是多少。
- 汉字 “秩” 的中文含义:
- 有条理,不混乱的情况:~序。
- 古代官吏的俸禄:“官人益~,庶人益禄”。
- 古代官职级别:委之常~。贬~三等。
- 十年:七~寿辰。