2025年1月7日,新加坡律政部兼交通部政务部长穆仁理代表交通部在国会书面答复蔡厝港集 选区 议员黄文鸿 有关巴士连接增强计划在新建住宅区和主要市镇的改善等相关问题。
(a)9亿新元的巴士连接增强计划将如何改善吉丰弄(Keat Hong Close)、蔡厝港7大道(Choa Chu Kang Avenue 7)和吉丰连路(Keat Hong Link)沿线新建住宅区居民的公交连通性?
(b)是否会为主要市镇,如德惠(Teck Whye)和裕廊东中路提供直达巴士?
穆仁理(交通政务部长,代表交通部长)答复:尊敬的议长先生,我感谢黄文鸿议员提出这个问题。在他的选区内,有一些新的预购组屋(BTO)项目,包括2023年竣工的Keat Hong Verge以及预计在2026年竣工的Keat Hong Grange。巴士连接增强计划(BCEP)的目标是服务那些远离市中心和地铁站的区域。
目前,居住在吉丰弄(Keat Hong Close)、蔡厝港7大道(Choa Chu Kang Avenue 7)和吉丰连路(Keat Hong Link)沿线的居民由8条公交线路和吉丰(Keat Hong)轻轨(LRT)站提供服务,确保与主要交通枢纽和关键设施的连通。近年来,陆路交通管理局(LTA)根据该区域的增长不断增加公交服务,新增了与蔡厝港(Choa Chu Kang)和周边市镇的设施及地铁站的连接。其中包括对公交服务301、983和991的调整。最近,在2024年3月,新增了983M补充服务,为德惠弯(Teck Whye Crescent)的学校群体提供了直达巴士服务。
碧林区(Brickland)居民也可以通过乘坐188路巴士直达裕廊东中路(Jurong East Central )。如需前往蔡厝港综合诊所和德惠(Teck Whye)市场,居民可以乘坐172或991路巴士到蔡厝港1大道(Choa Chu Kang Avenue 1),然后步行或换乘307路巴士。
我收到许多来自吉丰弄(Keat Hong Close)附近居民的反馈,他们认为巴士连通性仍可进一步改善,因为那是一个封闭的循环路,只有一条公交线路经过吉丰弄。所以,我想知道是否可以进行一次具体且全面的审查,以改善吉丰弄附近居民的巴士连通性。
Mr Don Weeasked the Minister for Transport (a) how will the $900 million Bus Connectivity Enhancement Programme improve public bus connectivity for residents in newer housing precincts along Keat Hong Close, Choa Chu Kang Avenue 7 and Keat Hong Link; and (b) whether direct bus connectivity will be provided to key towns such as Teck Whye and Jurong East Central in particular.
The Minister of State for Transport (Mr Murali Pillai) (for the Minister for Transport): Mr Speaker, Sir, I appreciate the context of the hon Member Mr Wee's question, as in his constituency, there are a few new Build-To-Order (BTO) developments, including Keat Hong Verge which was completed in 2023, and there is one new BTO development Keat Hong Grange that will be completed in 2026. And the raison d'etre of the Bus Connectivity Enhancement Programme (BCEP) is to serve precincts which are further away from town centres and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) stations.
Residents living along Keat Hong Close, Choa Chu Kang Avenue 7 and Keat Hong Link are currently served by eight bus services and Keat Hong Light Rail Transit (LRT) station, providing connectivity to major transport nodes and key amenities. Over the last few years, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has been increasing the bus services in tandem with the estate’s growth, with new connections to amenities and MRT stations in Choa Chu Kang and nearby towns. These include changes to bus services 301, 983 and 991. More recently, supplementary service 983M was introduced in March 2024 to provide a direct connection to the cluster of schools at Teck Whye Crescent.
Brickland residents also have direct access to Jurong East Central by taking service 188. To access amenities such as Choa Chu Kang Polyclinic and Teck Whye market, they can take services 172 or 991 to Choa Chu Kang Avenue 1 and continue with a short walk or transfer to service 307.
LTA will continue to engage community stakeholders as we review our bus services under the BCEP.
Mr Speaker: Mr Don Wee.
Mr Don Wee (Chua Chu Kang): Thank you, Mr Speaker, Sir. I have one supplementary question for the Minister of State. I thank the Minister of State for his positive update. I also thank LTA for improving the bus connectivity as well as the road safety of my Brickland residents over the past four years.
I have been receiving a lot of feedback from residents staying around Keat Hong Close. They feel that the connectivity can be improved upon because it is a closed loop and there is only one bus service that plies through Keat Hong Close. So, I wonder if a specific, thorough review can be conducted to improve the bus connectivity for residents staying around Keat Hong Close.
Mr Murali Pillai: Mr Speaker, Sir, I thank the hon Member for his endorsement of LTA's work to serve his residents better as far as transport is concerned. In relation to Keat Hong Close, we are happy to work with him to see how we can improve connectivity. I would give him the assurance that LTA will engage community stakeholders to review the bus services under the BCEP, particularly when new precincts come up.