












2.1 幼犬(<20周龄)

幼犬(<20周龄)患有轻度至中度的髋关节松弛,手术选择幼犬耻骨联合闭合术(JPS),通过阻止耻骨生长,促进髋臼腹外侧旋转,并随着骨盆的继续发育而获得更好的股骨头覆盖2,6,7。JPS已被证明在恢复(PennHIP DI 0.4-0.6,理想<0.5)的小狗的髋关节方面最有效7。最佳手术时机为12-16周龄,因为未来需依赖骨盆后续生长潜力),这也强调了早期筛查的重要性。

2.2 5-10月龄

随着所有犬不断成长,应该定期检查髋关节是否存在发育不良,包括跛行检查、Ortolani测试和髋关节触诊。建议5-10个月大的有髋关节的狗拍X光片观察有无关节松弛和髋关节发育不良的临床体征(例如,跛行、兔子跳、步态异常、按压疼痛)8,9。优先使用PennHIP X线片,但延展肢体腹背部X线片可提供有关髋关节松弛和继发性关节炎病变的信息。如果这个年龄段的狗X光显示半脱位但股骨头与髋臼仍有接触,且髋臼覆盖角<30°,可以考虑选择双骨盆截骨术(DPO)10或骨盆三联截骨术(TPO)11。


2.3 超过10月龄





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2. Dueland RT, Adams WM, Patricelli AJ, Linn KA, Crump PM. Canine hip dysplasia treated by juvenile pubic symphysiodesis. Part I: two year results of computed tomography and distraction index. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2010;23(5):306-317. doi:10.3415/VCOT-09-04-0045

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10. Petazzoni M, Tamburro R. Clinical outcomes of double pelvic osteotomies in eight dogs with hip dysplasia aged 10–28 months. Vet Surg. 2022;51(2):320-329. doi:10.1111/vsu.13737

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12. Janssens LAA, Daems R, Pillin L, Vandekerckhove P, Van Dongen S. Triple pelvic osteotomy with a 12.5° and a 20° Slocum-type plate: a short-term prospective clinical pilot study in 38 dogs. Vet Surg. 2020;49(7):1449-1457. doi:10.1111/vsu.13471

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17. Schmaedecke A, Saut JPE, Ferrigno CRA. A quantitative analysis of the nerve fibres of the acetabular periosteum of dogs. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2008;21(5):413-417.

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19. Ferrigno CRA, Schmaedecke A, Oliveira LM, D’Ávila RS, Yamamoto EY, Saut JPE. Cranial and dorsal acetabular denervation technique in treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs: 360 days evaluation of 97 cases. Pesqui Vet Bras. 2007;27(8):333-340. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0100736X2007000800003

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21. Winders CLB, Vaughn WL, Birdwhistell KE, Holsworth IG, Franklin SP. Accuracy of femoral head and neck excision via a craniolateral approach or a ventral approach. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2018;31(2):102-107. doi:10.3415/VCOT-17-07-0099













文章来源|Today Sveterinary Practice


审 核|郭羽丽

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