



1、最佳手工产品 Best artisan product

Irish Black Butter - Irish Black Butter

Irish Black Butter是一款小批量制作的手工果酱,源于爱尔兰当地传统美食,反映了传统爱尔兰食谱的风味。Irish Black Butter原料采用经PGI认证的(欧盟地理标志保护体系认证)北爱尔兰阿马郡当地种植的Bramley苹果,制作过程中还加入了Bramley苹果酒、香料等配料增加风味。Irish Black Butter用途广泛,可以搭配奶酪、烤肉、面包食用,或作为甜点的配料增添独特风味。此外,它还可用于烹饪中,为菜肴增加复合的口味。

2、最佳烘焙产品 Best bakery product

Szezám - Chocolate Babka - Gluten, Dairy Free and Refined Sugar Free

Babka是一种东欧传统的甜面包,通常会添加巧克力、肉桂等馅料,而Szezám Chocolate Babka则在传统风味的基础上有所创新。Szezám Chocolate Babka无麸质、无乳制品且无糖,采用无谷蛋白面粉,确保对麸质敏感的人群也能食用;不添加乳制品,满足了乳糖不耐受人群的需求;采用天然甜味剂,考虑到追求低糖或无糖生活方式人群的饮食需求。

3、最佳儿童/婴儿产品 Best children's/baby product

Ella's Kitchen - Oaty Smooshy

Ella's Kitchen的Oaty Smooshy是一款由燕麦和水果制作而成的零食,有莓果(Oaty Smooshy Berry)和桃子香蕉(Oaty smooshy peach+banana)两种风味。Oaty Smooshy100%采用有机燕麦和有机水果,Oaty Smooshy Berry搭配了香蕉、草莓、苹果、覆盆子、蓝莓泥和柠檬汁,Oaty smooshy peach+banana搭配了桃子泥、香蕉泥、苹果泥、杏泥和柠檬汁,均不含乳制品、大豆、坚果和糖。食用时将Oaty Smooshy摇匀挤在勺子上即可,该产品适合12个月以上幼儿食用。

4、最佳冷藏/冷冻产品 Best chilled/frozen product

The Mac Factory - Mushroom Truffle Infused Olive Oil and Garlic

The Mac Factory Mushroom Truffle Infused Olive Oil and Garlic是一款冷冻速食通心粉,将煮好的通心粉搭配奶油酱汁和蒜蓉蘑菇,上面撒有马苏里拉奶酪、切达干酪、面包糠和欧芹碎,食用时用烤箱或微波炉加热即可。除了速食产品,The Mac Factory还提供制冷解决方案,提供节能、无缝集成的品牌制冷设备,有立式、卧式和台式冰柜可以选择。

5、最佳糖果 Best Confectionery Product

Issei - Mochi Gummies Yuzu

不同于传统的耐嚼糖果通过使用明胶保证糖果的弹性和韧性,Issei创始人Mika从麻薯(Mochi)中获取灵感,创造出了世界上首款麻薯软糖——Issei Mochi Gummies。该产品以麻薯——大米和木薯的混合物为主要原料,模仿明胶的耐嚼质地。Issei Mochi Gummies Yuzu为Yuzu香柚风味软糖,还结合了柑橘、葡萄柚和柠檬的复合风味。

6、最佳方便食品/即食食品 Best convenience/ready meal product

Crosta Mollica - Margherita Sourdough Pizza

Crosta Mollica提供地道的意大利披萨,原料均来自当地,所有的产品均由散布在意大利各地(从皮埃蒙特到普利亚)的手工制作者和合作伙伴在意大利独家制造。Crosta Mollica Margherita Sourdough Pizza是一款玛格丽特比萨,采用经木火炉烘烤的酸面团饼底,搭配番茄、马苏里拉芝士、西西里牛至叶、奶酪等配料,需冷冻保存,食用时在烤箱中加热即可。

7、最佳乳制品 Best dairy product

Mengniu Hi-Tech Dairy Products (Beijing) - Mengniu GuanYiru Morning8 DunDun Breakfast Yogurt


8、最佳功能性产品 Best functional product

Jatcorp - Moroka Formulated Milk Powder with Lactoferrin Immunity Knight

Jatcorp是一家澳大利亚保健消费品公司,于2008年成立,主要提供保健食品和功能性食品。Moroka是Jatcorp旗下针对乳铁蛋白保健品市场推出的品牌,品牌希望为从婴儿到老年人的全年龄段人群提供免疫健康和胃肠道健康支持。2024年下半年,品牌推出Moroka Formulated Milk Powder with Lactoferrin Immunity Knight。这款产品为配方奶粉,含有乳铁蛋白、EpiCor 食用非活性酵母、接骨木莓粉、低聚半乳糖、维生素C、牛磺酸、维生素A等成分,其中接骨木莓粉和EpiCor 非活性酵母有助于提升免疫力。

9、最佳低/无添加产品 Best Low or No Product

Betty Buzz - Sparkling Apple Ginger Sour Cherry Mocktail

Betty Buzz是由演员Blake Lively创立的饮品品牌。其产品Betty Buzz Sparkling Apple Ginger Sour Cherry Mocktail是一款无酒精鸡尾酒,结合了苹果、生姜和酸樱桃的风味。该产品由碳酸水、龙舌兰糖浆、苹果汁、生姜汁、樱桃汁等原料制成,果汁含量为14%,不含人工色素和甜味剂。

10、最佳肉制品 Best Meat/Poultry Product

MHP Food UK - Qualiko Chicken Sharwarma

MHP是一家国际食品和农业科技公司,总部位于乌克兰。目前,该公司已研发出超过15个产品品牌。Qualiko便是其旗下的家禽品牌,于2011年创立,目前产品销往全球80多个国家。Qualiko Chicken Sharwarma为速冻鸡肉沙威玛(中东地区传统美食),采用乌克兰鸡肉和传统中东香料配方,为消费者提供了便捷且口味正宗,还经过清真认证的食品选择。

11、最佳天然/有机产品 Best Natural/Organic Product

Living Food International - Living Foods Germinated Flaxseed Oil

Living Foods Germinated Flaxseed Oil是一款亚麻籽油,不含糖、防腐剂和人工成分。它采用经过特殊发芽和发酵处理的有机亚麻籽,通过冷压技术制成。这种经过处理的亚麻籽,能分解某些抑制消化的物质,还可将大分子分解为较小部分,进而促进营养吸收。这款亚麻籽油含有必需脂肪酸,比如α-亚麻酸(ALA)——属于Omega-3脂肪酸。该产品中,Omega-3的含量为52.8%,Omega-6含量为14.6%,每100毫升中维生素E的含量为22.4毫克。

12、最佳植物基产品 Best Plant-Based Product

ICL Food Specialties - ROVITARIS SprouTx Textured Soy Proteins


ICL Food Specialties与DAIZ Engineering合作推出了ROVITARIS SprouTx Textured Soy Proteins,这是一种旨在提升植物肉和植物基海鲜产品口感、质地和营养价值的大豆蛋白原料。2024年11月,该产品在欧洲食品配料展(Food Ingredients Europe 2024)上首次公开亮相。它运用了特殊的发芽工艺,能够减少传统大豆蛋白所具有的豆腥味和苦味,从而改善植物基产品的味道与质地。

13、最佳海鲜产品 Best Seafood Product

Viciunai UK &Ireland - VI I Cold smoked Atlantic Salmon fillet with Truffles

VI I Cold smoked Atlantic Salmon fillet with Truffles是Viciunai集团推出的一款高端海鲜产品。这款产品采用大西洋鲑鱼作为原料,先经干盐腌制,增强鲑鱼的天然风味。在制作过程中还添加松露进一步提升风味。该产品已完成切片并进行真空包装,可开袋即食。

14、最佳零食 Best Snack Product

PopCornaa - Vegan Seaweed, Wasabi and Soy Gourmet Popcorn

PopCornaa是一家专注于创新爆米花口味的品牌。其推出的素食爆米花 PopCornaa Vegan Seaweed, Wasabi and Soy Gourmet Popcorn结合了海藻、芥末和酱油等风味。这款爆米花以非转基因玉米为主要原料,不含麸质和乳制品。该产品还获得了2024年的3星Great Taste Awards。

15、最佳饮料创新 Best Drink Innovation

Nanyang Polytechnic - Trio Elixirs

Trio Elixirs是由南洋理工学院(Nanyang Polytechnic,新加坡)研发的无酒精鸡尾酒,该产品希望能促进人体补水和肠道健康。

16、最佳食品创新 Best Food Innovation

Fresh Del Monte - Rubyglow Pineapple

Rubyglow 菠萝是Fresh Del Monte推出的高端水果品种。Rubyglow 菠萝历经16年,在哥斯达黎加以传统杂交技术培育而成,外皮呈深红色,果肉为黄色。据官网介绍,今年该品种菠萝仅产出几千个。2024年1月,Fresh Del Monte官网宣布Rubyglow 菠萝在中国市场进行了全球首发。

17、最佳原料创新Best Ingredient Innovation

Angel Yeast - AngeoPro Yeast Protein

安琪酵母(Angel Yeast)推出的AngeoPro Yeast Protein是一种可持续的微生物蛋白,它通过对酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)进行发酵提取而得。AngeoPro Yeast Protein的蛋白质含量超过80%,PDCAAS(蛋白质消化率校正氨基酸评分)为1.0,与乳清蛋白的这一指标相当。它的支链氨基酸(BCAA)含量高于21%,这一特性有助于肌肉的生长与修复。此外,AngeoPro Yeast Protein不含有乳制品、麸质以及常见过敏原。

18、最佳健康创新 Best Health Innovation

Gundry MD - Gundry MD Polyphenol-Rich Olive Oil

Gundry MD Polyphenol-Rich Olive Oil以摩洛哥橄榄为主要原料,含有羟基酪醇(一种天然存在的多酚)。官网介绍,由于橄榄树生长在摩洛哥严酷的沙漠环境中,这种环境促使橄榄树产生更多的多酚,使得这款橄榄油的羟基酪醇含量比许多传统品牌高出30倍。由于高多酚含量,这款橄榄油具有略带苦味、浓郁风味的特点。

19、最佳技术创新 Best Technology Innovation

DragonflyAI - Birds Eye &Dragonfly AI - Packaging Innovation Through AI

Dragonfly AI是一个预测分析平台,旨在帮助品牌提高任何形式、渠道和市场下创意作品的质量与成效。在包装设计过程中,设计团队可以利用DragonflyAI平台生成包装预测注意力热点图,了解消费者视觉集中在包装的哪个部位,以优化包装版面设计。Birds Eye利用人工智能进行包装创新,提高了消费者参与度,促进了销售增长。

20、最佳营销活动 Best Marketing Campaign

Mutti Pomodoro - Make It Mutti: An Immersive Tomato Dining Experience at the Saatchi Gallery

该项目是意大利番茄酱品牌Mutti于2024年9月在萨奇美术馆(Saatchi Gallery)举办的沉浸式美食体验——“Make It Mutti”,活动为期3晚。这场活动将美食、技术和故事相结合,帮助受邀嘉宾了解番茄的生命周期。现场通过全息投影技术,将画廊变成Mutti位于意大利帕尔马田野的番茄种植中心,还采用Bespoke Productions的投影映射技术使餐桌桌面随着菜品变换投影,展示番茄从种子到成熟的生长过程。

21、最佳初创企业 Best New/Start-up Busine


22、最佳包装设计 Best Packaging Design

Graphic Packaging International - Printed Pressed Board VSP Tray for Morrisons’ Own-Label Steak

Graphic Packaging International(GPI)为英国连锁超市Morrisons的自有品牌牛排设计了新型托盘。该托盘取代了传统塑料包装,每年可为超市供应链减少250公吨塑料用量,且便于回收。其采用真空覆膜包装,能保障产品安全。除牛排外,该托盘还适用于熟食肉类、奶酪、鱼类等各类新鲜食品。托盘的表面和背面均可进行印刷,方便展示品牌标识与产品信息。

23、最佳企业社会责任/可持续发展倡议 Best CSR/Sustainability Initiative

The Bread and Butter Thing - The Bread and Butter Thing x Riviera Reducing Emissions and Waste

The Bread and Butter Thing(TBBT)是一家英国会员制食品再分配慈善机构。它与家庭农场Riviera合作,创建了一套借助剩余农产品物流来减少排放与浪费的系统。此外,该项目通过利用空载卡车并优化运输行程,减少了二氧化碳排放,目前已实现减排500吨。截至目前,该项目已节省超200吨食物,这些食物被制成近50万份餐食,供给有需求的家庭。

24、最佳餐饮服务倡议 Best foodservice initiative

MHP Food UK - Qualiko Professional Dragon's Feast Steamed Cooked Chicken Breast

MHP是一家垂直整合的公司,掌握从饲料生产到肉鸡养殖、加工的全产业链,产品销往全球80个国家。Qualiko是由MHP于2011年创立的品牌,提供高品质的鸡肉产品,产品线丰富,包括各类冷藏冷冻鸡肉和加工鸡肉制品,满足不同消费者的需求。MHP的Qualiko Dragon's Feast Steamed Cooked Chicken Breast是一款经过专业蒸煮工艺处理过的鸡胸肉,提高了餐饮经营者的效率。



1、最佳手工产品Best artisan product

Cheeses of Wisconsin, LLC- The Big Moo - Harvest Cranberry

Irish Black Butter Ltd- Irish Black Butter

Opito Bay Salt Company- Opito Bay Natural Coromandel Sea Salt

Opito Bay Salt Company- Opito Bay Rare Dry Gin Sea Salt

SugarBean Candy- Coffee Bean Brûlée Candy - Cardamom Double Shot

SugarBean Candy- Coffee Bean Brûlée Candy, Single Shot

2、最佳烘焙产品Best bakery product

J & J Snack Foods- Brauhaus Pretzel Artisanal Sourdough Twists

Lika Bakery BV- Vegetable Flatbread

Slice of Life- Slice of Life Pepperoni Pizza

Szezám- Chocolate Babka - Gluten, Dairy Free & Refined Sugar Free

3、最佳儿童/婴儿产品Best children's/baby product

Ella's Kitchen- Oaty Smooshy

Hyproca Nutrition Co- Kabrita Jingcuiyuebai Goat Milk Growing-Up Formula

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Future Star Exclusive Care Formula Milk For Children

Kabrita- Goat Milk Infant Formula

Little Dish- Healthy Kids Limited - Little Dish Meals for Kids

Little Spoon- YoGos

Mavella- Mavella Gut Boost

Nobilis Zrt- Apple Sticks With Cinnamon

Nobilis Zrt.- Apple Sticks With Strawberries and Rosehip

4、最佳冷藏/冷冻产品Best chilled/frozen product

Aviko- Aviko Camembert Bites

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Deluxe Simple (Four Ingredients) Milk Ice Cream

JonnyPops- Organic Rainbow Superpower Minis

The Mac Factory- Mushroom Truffle Infused Olive Oil and Garlic

Viciunai UK & Ireland- Khinkali with Meat and Habanero pepper

Viciunai UK & Ireland- VIČI Gyoza with Chicken and Curry

5、最佳糖果Best Confectionery Product

Candy Clouds- Rainbow Candyfloss Cake

Gnaw Chocolate- Mocha Melts

Issei- Mochi Gummies Yuzu

Kizandy- Kizandy Sours - Watermelon

SugarBean Candy- Coffee Bean Brûlée Candy - Cardamom Double Shot

SugarBean Candy- Coffee Bean Brûlée Candy - Single Shot

6、最佳方便食品/即食食品Best convenience/ready meal product

Crosta Mollica- Margherita Sourdough Pizza

Crown Foods - Wat Kitchen- Wat Kitchen Pad Thai Noodles

Folkland Foods- Folkland Himalayan Salt Organic Farm Fries

Fruveco- Veggie Nuggets

Little Dish - Healthy Kids Limited- Little Dish Meals for Kids

Taylor Farms- Taylor Farms Single-Serve Chopped Salad Bowls (Sweet Kale)

The Mac Factory Ltd- Pancetta Mushroom & Garlic Mac & Cheese

Veetee- Mac'n'CheeseHead 3 Oozy Cheese

Veetee- RamenHead - Tom Yum

7、最佳乳制品Best dairy product

Arla Protein- Arla Protein Food To Go Chocolate Caramel Flavoured Meal Replacement Shake

BTNature- Premium Full Cream Instant Milk Powder

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Future Star Exclusive Care Formula Milk For Children

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group, Jinshan Branch- Natural Pasture

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group (Yili)- Colorful Set-style Yogurt / Bingfen Ninglao(缤纷凝酪)

Mengniu Hi-Tech Dairy Products (Beijing)- Mengniu GuanYiru Morning8 DunDun Breakfast Yogurt

Molokia- Yogurt&Sauce

Yashili Dairy (Maanshan)- Mengniu Ruibuen Enzhi Milk Formula

Yili Group- Yili LightGrace Red Ginseng Revitalizing Milk Powder (TRT Co-Branded Edition)

8、最佳功能性产品Best functional product

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Future Star Exclusive Care Formula Milk For Children

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Nopa Herbal Raw Materials Substitute Tea

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Three Calves A2β-casein DNA Pure Milk

Jatcorp- Moroka Formulated Milk Powder with Lactoferrin Immunity Knight

Nanyang Polytechnic- Glow Elixir Shot: A Beverage Enhancing Beauty from Within

Nyo3- Ageless by Nyo3 Ovarian Health Support Antarctic Krill Oil

Yashili Dairy (Maanshan)- Mengniu Slimline White Kidney Bean Extract Probiotic Skim Milk Formula

Yashili Dairy (Maanshan)- Mengniu Yourui AnTangDun Sugar Guard Milk Formula

Zooki- Zooki Super Strength Collagen

9、最佳低/无添加产品Best Low or No Product

Betty Buzz- Sparkling Apple Ginger Sour Cherry Mocktail

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Chewy Fruit Milk Beverages (Hawthorn Flavor)

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Deluxe Simple (Four Ingredients) Milk Ice Cream

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Justpure Vitamin D Flavoured Yogurt

Standard Investment (China)- Mighty Grain Bowl

10、最佳肉制品Best Meat/Poultry Product

MHP Food UK- Dried Chicken Breast Slices with Soy Sauce

MHP Food UK- Qualiko Chicken Sharwarma

Niman Ranch- Niman Ranch Applewood Smoked Pulled Pork

Niman Ranch- Niman Ranch Iberian Duroc Prosciutto

St Marcus Fine Foods- Original Biltong

11、最佳天然/有机产品Best Natural/Organic Product

Angel Yeast- AngeoPro Yeast Protein

Deutsches Obst-Sorten Konsortium / Xenia Europa- Xenia(R) - Pear your mind

Earthbound Farm- Earthbound Farm Organic Salad Kits for One (Caesar)

Folkland Foods- Folkland Cajun Spice Organic Farm Fries

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Deluxe Organic Milk Ice Cream

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Milk Deluxe Desert Organic Pure Milk

Living Food International- Living Foods Germinated Flaxseed Oil

Nyo3- Nyo3 Fish Oil 97% Omega-3

Opito Bay Salt Company- Opito Bay Black Garlic Sea Salt

The Organic Protein Co-The Organic Protein Co Madagascan Vanilla Organic Whey Protein Powder

12、最佳植物基产品Best Plant-Based Product

Crown Foods- Wat Kitchen Kung Pao Noodles

ICL Food Specialties- ROVITARIS® SprouTx™ Textured Soy Proteins

Impossible Foods- Impossible Corn Dogs

Sky Barn- Original Oat Milk

Sky Barn- Original Oat Milk +Adaptogens

Steakholder Foods- Salmon Patty

Steakholder Foods- White Fish Fillet

Veg Life- Taste of the East Scotchee

13、最佳海鲜产品Best Seafood Product

Nanyang Polytechnic- Eco Nom Nom

Responsible Foods/ Næra Snacks- Næra Salmon Crunchy Fish Bites

Viciunai UK & Ireland- VIČI Cold smoked Atlantic Salmon fillet with Truffles

Viciunai UK & Ireland- VIČI Surimi Scallop Bites

14、最佳零食Best Snack Product

Beautiful Foods- Chin Chin

Catalina Crunch- Catalina Crunch Cinnamon Toast Cereal

Hungry Monkey Snacks- Hungry Monkey Fresh Fruit Snack Bar

I Am Kooky- Freeze Dried Pineapple

PopCornaa- Vegan Seaweed, Wasabi and Soy Gourmet Popcorn

Viciunai UK & Ireland- VIČI Big Stick Seafood Stick

Woodridge Snacks- Woodridge Snacks' Brussels Sprouts + Sticky Rice Chips

Zooki- Super Strength Collagen Zooki

Zooki- Zooki Vitamin D

15、最佳饮料创新Best Drink Innovation

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Chewy Fruit Floral Fruity Milkshake Yogurt Series

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu PeekaMoo Cool Lemon Tea Flavor Drink

Nanyang Polytechnic- Trio Elixirs

Net Zero Foods- Robot - Organic Honey Cola Kombucha

PH- Ka-Ex – The World’s Fastest Cortisol-Stress-Reducer

Refix- Refix Coconut-Pineapple

Shanghai Maction Health Technology- Mengniu M-Action Electrolyte Concentrate PRO

Sky Barn- Original Oat Milk

Sky Barn- Original Oat Milk +Adaptogens

Win Win Water- Win Win Water - Spring Water

16、最佳食品创新Best Food Innovation

Fresh Del Monte- Rubyglow Pineapple

Gina's Table- Gina’s Table - ‘Merries’

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group- Ice Factory Konjac Dongdong Grape Flavored Frozen Electrolyte Drink

Mengniu Hi-tech Dairy Products (Beijing)- Mengniu GuanYiRu Bama 128 Probiotic Yogurt

More.Than- More.Than Wholegrain Instant Noodles - Kimchi Flavor

Shanghai Maction Health Technology Co- Mengniu M-Action Liquid Protein

Starfield- Starfield Poki Salad Bar

Stoked Oats- Stoked OatRice

Veetee- RamenHead Singapore Laksa

Viciunai UK & Ireland- VIČI Octopus from Surimi with Kalamata Olives and Pepper Drops in Oil

17、最佳原料创新Best Ingredient Innovation

Ambipar-Ecological Alcohol - Production of Alcohol from Waste from the Food and Drinks Industries

Angel Yeast-AngeoPro Yeast Protein


Divaks-Textured Insect Protein

Gerald McDonald Group-Yuzu Juice NFC

GNT Group-Exberry Shade Vivid Orange

ICL Food Specialties- ROVITARIS® SprouTx™ Textured Soy Proteins

Incredo-Incredo Sugar G2

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group-Mengniu Justpure Vitamin D Flavoured Yogurt

Natavo Avocado-Natavo Avocado

Oterra A/S-Arctic Blue

Shandong Amicogen Biotechnology-Fish Collagen Tripeptide

Weiming Taiyan Biotechnology (Shaoxing)-WMTY Collagen Tri-Peptide Drink

18、最佳健康创新Best Health Innovation

ADM- ES1 Postbiotic (Bifidobacterium longumCECT7347)

ADM-Lactobacillus gasseriCP2305

Glastry Farm Ice Cream- Glastry Farm Mango and Passionfruit Sorbet

Gundry MD- Gundry MD Polyphenol-Rich Olive Oil

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Three Calves A2β-casein Pure Milk

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Three Calves Prebiotics Lactose Free Milk

Mountaindrop- Mountaindrop Prime: Natural Testosterone Booster

NYO3- Nyo3 High Absorption Complex Omega-3

Suitefood- Formula Coccola

Yimpression (HK)- Naturally Sourced Probiotics

Yimpression (HK)- Ovaries Maintenance

19、最佳技术创新Best Technology Innovation

DragonflyAI - Birds Eye & Dragonfly AI-Packaging Innovation Through AI

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Cheese-Mengniu Organic Cheese Lollipop

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Cheese-Mengniu Spray Liquid Butter

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group-Mengniu Zero-Additives Flavored Yogurt

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group-Yili LightEase Zero-Lactose Full Cream Modified Milk Powder

Sidework-Sidework Intelligent Beverage Dispenser

SPXFLOW Technology Danmark-APV Seamless UHT Vessel

20、最佳营销活动Best Marketing Campaign

Deutsches Obst-Sorten Konsortium / Xenia Europa- Xenia(R) - Pear your mind

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Green Mood Osmanthus Mung Bean Cake Flavored Ice Cream

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Rollflex Suibian Gold Series Ice Cream

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu X KFC Green Mood Creamy Ice Cream

Les Producteurs de lait du Québec- Milkeye

Mutti Pomodoro- Make It Mutti: An Immersive Tomato Dining Experience at the Saatchi Gallery

Yogoody- The Next Level of Yogurt - 'A Taste that Shakes the World'

21、最佳初创企业Best New/Start-up Busine


Folkland Foods



Sky Barn

The Mac Factory

22、最佳包装设计Best Packaging Design

Alzamora Group- Christmas display and packs - Chupa Chups

Graphic Packaging International- Pilgrim’s Food Masters PaperLite Tray

Graphic Packaging International- Printed Pressed Board VSP Tray for Morrisons’ Own-Label Steak

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Deluxe TPA250Edge DreamCap PoB Full Color Digital Printing

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Naite Dark Chocolate Milk x Capybara Xiaohuangtun Collaboration Packaging

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial (Yili)- Light·Set-style Yogurt / Light·lapper Yogurt / Qing·Ninglao(轻·凝酪)

Kizandy- Kizandy Sours - Strawberry

Rebel Bear Honey- Rebel Bear Milk Chocolate Honey

Veetee-Veetee RamenHead

23、最佳企业社会责任/可持续发展倡议Best CSR/Sustainability Initiative

Ella's Kitchen- Protecting Nature for Future Generations

Gina's Table- Merries

Global Village Fruit, d/b/a The Jackfruit Company, Jack & Annie’s- The Jackfruit Company & Jack & Annie's Sustainability

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Group- Mengniu Milk Deluxe Desert Organic Pure Milk

Klöckner Pentaplast- Taking sustainability to the next level: KP 100% Tray2Tray in combination with KP FlexiLid EH 145 R, KP Elite and KP Zapora

Mengniu Hi-tech Dairy Products (Beijing)- Mengniu Shiny Meadow Master Quality Gable Top Fresh Milk

Tate & Lyle- Tate & Lyle's Sustainable Stevia Programme

The Bread and Butter Thing- The Bread and Butter Thing x Riviera Reducing Emissions and Waste

24、最佳餐饮服务倡议Best foodservice initiative

MHP Food UK- Qualiko Professional Dragon's Feast Steamed Cooked Chicken Breast



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