2025年2月18日,新加坡国防部长黄永宏医生在国会口头答复官委 议员帕雷克 关于加强数码防卫公众教育的质询。






黄永宏(国防部长)医生复:国防部定期开展调查,了解新加坡民众对全面防卫的认知度与支持度。2024年最新调查显示,约90%受访者表示愿为全面防卫尽己任。我们通过定期与学校、企业和社区互动,以及年度全民防卫演习——新加坡齐心应变演习(Exercise SG Ready),致力于维持民众对全面防卫的高度认知与支持,并提升应对危机的能力。

“数码防卫”于2019年列为全面防卫第六大支柱,旨在应对包括虚假信息与诈骗在内的网络威胁。新加坡网络安全局(CSA)通过"全国网络安全运动"为不同群体举办讲座与工作坊,重点关注新型威胁及防护措施。今年新加坡齐心应变演习(Exercise SG Ready)中,新加坡工商联合总会将组织一次网络钓鱼演习,协助企业(尤其中小企业)提升应对网络攻击韧性。新加坡董事学会(singapore Institute of Directors )近期也推出《网络韧性指南》(Cyber Resilience Guide),强化企业领导层的网络防护意识。




Mr Neil Parekh Nimil Rajnikantasked the Minister for Defence (a) whether the Ministry has conducted surveys on the level of awareness of the importance of Total Defence amongst Singaporeans; (b) if so, whether an update can be provided on the findings of such surveys; and (c) what role can the Digital Defence pillar of Total Defence play in the overall efforts to educate Singaporeans about protecting themselves in the cyberspace and in particular against scammers.

Dr Ng Eng Hen: The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) regularly conducts surveys on Singaporeans’ awareness of and support for Total Defence. In the latest survey conducted in 2024, about 90% of respondents said they are willing to play their part in Total Defence. Through regular engagements with schools, businesses and communities, as well as the annual Exercise SG Ready, we seek to maintain a high level of awareness and support among Singaporeans on Total Defence and raise their readiness to deal with crisis scenarios.

Digital Defence was introduced as the sixth pillar of Total Defence in 2019 to defend ourselves against a range of online and digital threats such as disinformation and scams. The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) runs a National Cybersecurity Campaign and conducts talks and workshops for different population segments, focusing on evolving threats and the steps to take to protect themselves. In this year’s Exercise SG Ready, the Singapore Business Federation is organising a phishing exercise to help businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen their resilience against cyberattacks. The Singapore Institute of Directors has also recently launched a Cyber Resilience Guide to enhance corporate leaders’ cyber readiness.

To better protect Singapore’s Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) systems, the Digital and Intelligence Service and CSA co-organises the Critical Infrastructure Defence Exercise (CIDeX) annually. The exercise brings together industry and Government partners to train for realistic scenarios and stress-test the cyber defence systems of our CIIs. Last year’s exercise involved over 200 cyber defenders from 28 organisations across many sectors, including power and telecommunications.

MINDEF will continue to work with partners to encourage Singaporeans to raise their digital literacy, develop and maintain good cybersecurity habits, protect sensitive data and guard against scams, fake news and disinformation so as to make the digital domain a safer and more secure space.












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