访问学者 |张建明
Scholar |Mario Chong
张建明(Mario Chong)教授拥有圣马科斯国立大学(UNMSM)的商业管理博士学位,以及利马大学(UL)的工业工程硕士学位、系统工程硕士学位和工业工程学士学位。他现任太平洋大学工程学术部创新与设计工程副院长、工程学院教授,并担任创新与生产力研究中心(CIUP)成员。他的研究和领衔的工作聚焦于技术创新、可持续系统及跨学科方法在应对工业与城市挑战中的应用,尤其重视政策设计与实践落地之间的衔接。其研究基于学术严谨性与社会经济现实情境的结合,涵盖供应链管理、可持续城市货运系统及技术驱动的工业发展等领域。
张建明(Mario Chong)教授积极参与国际合作,是欧洲地平线计划(Horizon Europe)国家联络点代表、斯坦福大学女性数据科学(WIDS)大使,并在PANAMSTR和IEEE Edunine等机构担任董事会成员。他的研究领域涵盖全球辅助技术政策趋势分析、国家创新战略,以及大学在知识转移和政策倡导中的作用。此前,他曾在秘鲁太平洋大学(Universidad del Pacífico)担任领导职务,负责工商管理(MBA)、全球商务、食品与农业企业管理及供应链管理等研究生项目的学术事务。此外,他持有麻省理工学院(MIT)高级供应链管理认证和伦斯勒理工学院(RPI)可持续城市货运系统高级研究认证,并且是IEEE(高级会员)、IEEE女性工程师协会(WIE)及POMS医疗运营与危机管理学院的成员。
Mario Chong holds a PhD in Business Management from the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM), a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, a Master’s degree in Systems Engineering, and an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Lima (UL). He is currently Associate Dean of Innovation and Design Engineering and Professor at the Academic Department of Engineering of Universidad del Pacífico, where he also serves as a member of the Research Center (CIUP). His research and leadership focus on integrating technological innovation, sustainable systems, and interdisciplinary approaches to address industrial and urban challenges, with an emphasis on bridging policy design and practical implementation. His work is grounded in the integration of academic rigor and socio-economic contextual awareness, particularly in fields such as supply chain management, sustainable urban freight systems, and technology-driven industrial development.
Dr. Chong actively engages in international collaborations through roles including Horizon Europe National Contact Point, Stanford Women in Data Science (WIDS) Ambassador, and board memberships in organizations such as PANAMSTR and IEEE Edunine. His research extends to analyzing global trends in assistive technology policies, national innovation strategies, and the role of universities in knowledge transfer and policy advocacy. Previously, he held leadership positions at Universidad del Pacífico as Academic Director of graduate programs in business administration (MBA), global business, food and agribusiness, and supply chain management. His professional credentials include certifications in Advanced Supply Chain Management from MIT and Advanced Studies on Sustainable Urban Freight Systems from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), along with memberships in IEEE (Senior Member), IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE), and the POMS College of Healthcare Operations and Crisis Management.
Dr. Chong will be a visiting researcher at FDDI from March 1st 2025 to March 30th 2025.