《情绪管理十二讲》第3版:第十讲 不要让你喜欢的东西杀死你第十讲-不要让你喜欢的东西杀死你



我的生活目标,以及我的存在感,在很大程度上取决于当时玩的电子游戏。如果这不是所谓的奉献,我不太清楚它的确切名称是什么,因为“痴迷”分量太轻了。举个例子,让你们明白我的意思——把游戏变成“生意”: 在我上高中的那些年里,我想要玩游戏的惟一方法就是去网吧。如果你整夜玩,他们会有促销优惠。因此,我们通常会在晚上20:00到达,通宵达旦,玩电子游戏直到第二天早上7:00,因为这样付款会便宜很多。当时一些网吧没有自动管理系统。所以经理必须记下你来的时间以及你使用电脑的时间。我经常访问的网吧之一就是这样的。我会在下午晚些时候来,找一台电脑玩。过夜后,当其他人早上7点左右离开时,我会继续玩。最后,在深夜的第二天,在超过24小时没有停止的视频游戏之后,我终于要结账离开了。有趣的情形出现了,因为没有人会像我一样做这样的事情,而且我在那里的时候,员工至少换了三班,他们没有人会想到检查一下昨天的日志。他们会犹豫,不想表明他们不确定我什么时候来,最后做出最好的猜测,通常是2个小时,因为对于一个高中生来说,这似乎是一个很好的游戏时间段。


重复,过量,失去兴趣和动机。当这种奉献也不复存在时,不可避免的沮丧又来了。为了对抗它,我倾向于浪漫。 作为一个像我这样鲁莽的年轻小伙子,当然这是非常错误的。然后,我试图回到游戏,不幸的是我仍然无法忍受它。由于缺乏奉献精神,每天早上不想起床的斗争非常真实和激烈。






DON’T find something that you love and let it kill you

I’m not quite sure if this is common. But I’ve come to understand that for the majority of my life, I always have sort of a devotion. Let me just speak it out really quickly: it is NOT always the same thing, and there’s hardly any logic to it. There, I said it.

It’s is kind of funny to say that my devotions in life have changed quite a bit over time. From later on in primary school, I was introduced to arcade video games by one of my classmates. This has started a love and hate relationship between me and video games as a whole till this very day. During middle school and high school, although I had to study very hard, my heart was always locked on to video games. You may think that this is not how people usually define devotion as a concept, but hear me out first. I didn’t mind doing other things than gaming. I still spent a decent amount of time in classroom, doing the necessary work and socializing with my mates. However, I didn’t get any satisfaction or sense of purpose by any of these activities. My mind would revolve around the following questions all the time: when can I game, how could I do better, how could I make this the one thing that I’ll do for my life?

My purpose of life, and my the very sense of existence, was highly dependent on playing video games at that time. If this is not called devotion, I don’t quite know what would be a proper name for it, because obsession would be too light of a word. To name one example for you to see I mean business: back in the years I was in senior high school, the only way I could play the games I want was to go to cyber cafe. They have a promotional deal if you play all night long. So we would normally arrive at 20:00 in the evening, take the all nighter pass and play video games till 7:00 next morning as it was a lot cheaper. Some cyber cafes back then did not have automatic management system. So the manager had to note down the time you came and how long you have used the computer on a notebook. One of the cyber cafes that I visited a lot was like this. I would came in the late afternoon, get a computer and play. After the all nighter, when all other people left around 7:00 in the morning, I would continue to play. Finally, at late night the 2ndday, after more than 24 hours none stop playing, I would finally ask for the bill and leave. Here comes the interesting part, since really nobody would do such things like me, and the employees have changed at least 3 shifts during the time I was there, nobody would think to check the log of yesterday. They would hesitate, not want to show that they were unsure of when I came, and finally give their best guess, which would normally be 2 hours, as that seemed to be a good amount of playing time for a high school student.

Then college life has indeed brought changes to the pattern which has worked out so well before. I still kept doing a fair amount of gaming in my freshman year. By a fair amount, I meant to say several hours each day minimum. However, this was the first time that I intensively experienced what I know now as burn-outs. I grew so sick of video games because that I played so much all the time. I decided to take break. The beginning of the break was terrible, with the previous devotion gone, I was constantly depressed, not because I couldn’t play any more but because I didn’t want to play anymore. Some time after this depression, I found another activity that rekindled my inner fire: body building. I discovered it with some of my best buddies on campus, within no hesitation we got ourselves a gym membership and started pumping iron. I would constantly think about how to do better, how to train, how to eat, how to sleep, which supplement to take. Before I used to spend so much time on game magazines and forums, but at that time they were all replaced by body building contents. We trained everyday, decided to rent a house together outside the campus so that we could cook ourselves proper meals for bodybuilders. We trained everyday none stop. A year later I got myself a 2ndgym membership for more advanced equipments and a swimming pool. At that time, the purpose of my life was to train, to grow bigger and better, and be happy. Each afternoon, I would pump iron with my mates in the first gym that we all have membership. We would beat ourselves to the last breathe. Then we came home, ate diner. My mates would then study, socialize, etc. However, I would silently grab my second gym membership card, and start my own additional training, to refine my movement with higher end gears, to do my cardio in the swimming pool. I would came back home at 23:00 and then take another meal. This lasted for almost 3 years. During this time, my brain was thinking only one question constantly: how do I turn pro? The final result: I partially ruined my digestive system, my shoulder snapped from butterfly swimming and my right elbow snapped from too heavy bench press with poor form.

Again, over dose, lost of interest, and of motivation. The inevitable depression came again when this devotion was gone too. To fight against it, I tended to romance. As a reckless young lad like me at that time, of course it went horribly wrong. I then tried to go back to gaming, unfortunately I still couldn’t stand it then. That struggle of not wanting to get out of bed each morning due to lack of devotion more was so real and intense.

Fast forward some years, I have already come toFrance. To combat my social anxiety, I decided to pick up dancing. I went to a salsa club which offered classes at that time. That was the moment I realized that I should first speak French to understand the dance professor. After the first failure, I started to learn French diligently and searched for beginner classes in English. I’ve found one! Life force was again filled my body. I would dance in my dream. The first thing when I woke up in the morning, was to practice the most recent dance moves that I learned. When my French got better enough, I moved near the dance club and got the club membership, I also bought dance classes at different schools. I danced and danced, everyday from 20h till mid-night none stop. This lasted for 2 years. I went from the most awkward outsider to the most known dancer at the club, to the lead of class and to substitute professor. Meanwhile, with people I met during this time, we created a dance association, we recruited, trained and finally we organized many shows. From the end of year 2, I start to perform on stage inParis, for senior homes, children hospital, end of year celebrations, and public events forcity hallofParis. By the end of 3rdyear, I became a professor with my dancing partner at that time. The 4thyear was the absolute peak. With the key members of the club to which I belong, we formed a group and scored a friendly exchange agreement with one of the famous dancing schools inCuba. We went there, for 2 weeks, to learn, to dance and to have fun. The trip was marked by a full dance I performed with my partner in front of more than 200 people from all over the world at casa de la musicasantiago de cuba. I tell you, it felt awesome when I was on stage, under the spotlight.

I think you saw what’s coming, years of dancing late into the night has put my body down. One morning, all of a sudden, I didn’t want to dance any more. I finished the semester at the dance class of which I was professor at the time and then I hanged my dancing shoes, while the depression started to kick-in.

The list goes on and on.

The point is, do not do like I did. Try to be rich in what you do in life, be multi-dimensional. Divide your attention to more frontiers and balance your activities so that you would be stable and inspired. Please DON’T find something that you love and let it kill you, because it would probably kill you a lot sooner than you expect.

Take care guys.


原书名:Paris gold Key


Léo Paris

巴黎雷欧 著

Paris 2019





Paris gold Key


Léo Paris


Key to success with ease

Give your poor self-discipline a break

Decision-making, a highly disguised escape

Key to success with efficiency

Toxic personality, why some people are impossible to reason with

Disconnected of one’s emotion, the real symptoms

One is extremely moody because he is NOT emotional

Open mindedness and self-awareness

Cure to boredom, engage the environment around you

DON’T find something that you love and let it kill you

Social accessibility, one major cure for social isolation

The gap between having fun and being successful


Léo Paris




第一讲 轻松成功,有秘诀吗?

第二讲 给你的“自律”放个假

第三讲 决策,可能是伪装的逃避

第四讲 成功的关键在于效率

第五讲 毒性人格,为何不能正常诠释

第六讲 情感脱节,一个危险的症状

第七讲 情绪化,恰恰是因为缺乏感性

第八讲 强烈感觉与自我意识

第九讲 治愈厌倦,参与周围的环境

第十讲 不要让你喜欢的东西杀死你

第十一讲 社交障碍治疗——消除隔离

第十二讲 乐趣和成功之间的差距





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