《情绪管理十二讲》第3版:第六讲 情感脱节,一个危险的症状第六讲-情感脱节,一个危险的症状










Disconnected of one’s emotion, the real symptoms

We know all too well the stereotype that men are rational, and women are emotional. There’re more than enough internet memes that depict this phenomenon. However, I’ve noticed that many of us seem to think that being disconnected of one’s emotion means cool, calm and a rational being like Spock in Star Trek. I assure you that this cannot be further away from the truth. Without this understanding, we often find that someone’s self-knowledge is in intense conflict with reality.

I grew up inChinauntil I graduated from college. This is a more common situation.

It is a generally pragmatic culture. In addition, the household where I grew up was a very strict one. My father has always preached reason, rational thinking as superior than any sort of emotion in my education. While growing up, I was experiencing strong emotional attacks during adolescence like literally everyone. This was very harshly criticized by my father as it was unpleasant for everyone in the house. I don’t blame my father for this conclusion. However, back then, I didn’t have any tools nor enough understanding of the problem to deal with it properly.

I always remember a family promenade in a mid-summer night when I was about 16 years old. After a very hot and dull day, my parents and I decided to go out for a walk. For some reason that I couldn’t remember, I was very unhappy and agitated during the whole time. Right before going home, my dad let my mum walk in front and called me to stop for a talk. He pointed out that my mood was making everybody suffer and that’s a problem I need to deal with. He ended that talk with one sentence: nobody in the world deserves to receive your emotional junk. If you have a problem, solve it first, then we’ll talk. There should be no grumble in the house from now on.

I always remember this talk. Ever since, I started to cover my emotional expressions. I worshipped reason like my father, and belittled emotion, mood and feelings, etc. Many years later, I was at a point that I unconsciously blocked all the emotions that are going on in myself. I was so proud of myself thinking that I was a near perfect rational being, who did not get disturbed by emotions and could always concentrate on the concrete problem at hand and thus find solutions quickly. Oh boy was I wrong. Due to popular TV shows and movies, the guy that is disconnected to his own emotions are always presented in a way that his emotions are absent, like Spock. There is a huge difference between disconnection and absence! The reason is simple, as far as I know, a healthy human being can by no means be rid of emotions. That is to say, they are always there and running around the clock.

So now the big problem appears: being disconnected to my emotions, I am not at all free of it. While in my head, my self-image is a guy who pursues reason and logic, who always keeps his cool and concentrate on the key issue at hand. The reality however, is completely another story. People around me would find that I am very immature, unpredictable, highly emotional and very difficult to deal with. Such an irony, you’d say. But there’s a deeper reason for this situation.

When we say that one is disconnected to his emotions, the implicit message is that for this very person, there’s a gap between his self and his emotions. However, the part “self” is usually poorly defined. Because if you dig a bit deeper, you’ll see that the awareness of self is part of the rational brain. In layman’s term, oneself is the self-awareness, which is embodied by rational thinking (language skills, for example).

Under this light, we can see that if someone’s disconnected of his emotions, the actual meaning is that his reason and emotion are not linked at all. This unfortunate situation would mean that all the emotions that this person experiences are not processed and accepted by his reason (self-awareness) at all. The sad reality in this case would be, a person who is completely submissive to his own emotions without ever realizing it at all. In most cases, this would be very problematic for his own social life and painful for people around him.

So the conclusion, please take care of the connection between your reason and emotion, for this is the key of a fulfilled and complete life. Live long and prosper!


原书名:Paris gold Key


Léo Paris

巴黎雷欧 著

Paris 2019





Paris gold Key


Léo Paris


Key to success with ease

Give your poor self-discipline a break

Decision-making, a highly disguised escape

Key to success with efficiency

Toxic personality, why some people are impossible to reason with

Disconnected of one’s emotion, the real symptoms

One is extremely moody because he is NOT emotional

Open mindedness and self-awareness

Cure to boredom, engage the environment around you

DON’T find something that you love and let it kill you

Social accessibility, one major cure for social isolation

The gap between having fun and being successful


Léo Paris




第一讲 轻松成功,有秘诀吗?

第二讲 给你的“自律”放个假

第三讲 决策,可能是伪装的逃避

第四讲 成功的关键在于效率

第五讲 毒性人格,为何不能正常诠释

第六讲 情感脱节,一个危险的症状

第七讲 情绪化,恰恰是因为缺乏感性

第八讲 强烈感觉与自我意识

第九讲 治愈厌倦,参与周围的环境

第十讲 不要让你喜欢的东西杀死你

第十一讲 社交障碍治疗——消除隔离

第十二讲 乐趣和成功之间的差距





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