编著者:中国图书馆学报编辑部 编
ISBN: 978-7-5013-7584-4
装帧开本:平装 正16开
目 录
National smart library system: opening a new chapter for the transformation toward smart libraries 005
RAO Quan
Ideological system of library science in China: abstraction, core and value 020
KE Ping
The historical development and contemporary construction of the framework of fundamental theory of library science with Chinese characteristics 040
XIAO Ximing & SHEN Ling
The discipline system, academic system and discourse system of information science with Chinese characteristics 069
SU Xinning
The basic categories and core propositions of information science with Chinese characteristics 087
AN Lu, CHEN Miaomiao, SHEN Yan & LI Gang
Historical development and contemporary construction of the basic theoretical system of archival science with Chinese characteristics 115
Digital humanities evaluation: discipline, professionalism and technicality 137
CAI Yingchun
Discovering, reorganizing and storytelling: paths and methods of archives research on the perspective of digital humanities 154
NIU Li, GAO Chenxiang, ZHANG Yufeng, YAN Shi, XU Yongjun & LI Anrunze
Sentiment term extraction and application of Chinese ancient poetry text for digital humanities 181
ZHANG Wei, WANG Hao, DENG Sanhong & ZHANG Baolong
Measuring knowledge hardness for quantifying backbone knowledge 207
Ronda J. ZHANG & Fred Y. YE
Extended English abstracts of articles published in the Chinese edition of Journal of Library Science in China, Vol.47, 2021 218
■ 文章来源:国家图书馆出版社图书馆学编辑室
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