


3.英语语言成绩要求:雅思总分6.5 分, or iBT (internet-based TOEFL): 83, or PTE: 58。


有兴趣申请者请联系Shujuan Huang教授:shujuan.huang@mq.edu.au

Macquarie University (麦考瑞大学)在美丽的悉尼,是澳洲排名前10的高校。学校位于麦考瑞公园(Macquarie Park),是悉尼大都市地区设立的第三所大学,英联邦大学协会成员,澳大利亚最富进取精神的大学之一,它也是全澳第一所开设精算课程的大学。Macquarie Park是南半球硅谷,高新企业扎堆。Macquarie University 2024年QS 全球排名第130名,并有望继续上升。此外,麦考瑞大学是澳大利亚唯一一所拥有校园内私立医院和地铁站的大学,大学马路对面的Macquarie shopping centre是北区最大的商场,大型商场、火车站、地铁站一应俱全。

Shujuan Huang教授简介
Shujuan Huang is a Professor in the School of Engineering and Core Director in Photovoltaics in Sustainable Energy Research Centre (MQ SERC) at Macquarie University. She received her BE and ME in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University, China and PhD in Material Engineering from Hiroshima University, Japan. From 2001 to 2004 she was a Research Fellow in the Graduate School of Advanced Science of Matter, Hiroshima University, Japan. She joined the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering at UNSW Sydney in 2006. Her research has been focused on developing nanomaterials for future generation low-cost and high-efficiency opto-electronic devices, with particular expertise in solution-based processes, fabrication and advanced characterization of semiconductor thin film solar cells including:
• established and leads colloidal quantum dot (QD) solar cells group, reported the world highest efficiency of PbSe QD solar cells;
• established the perovskite cell project together with Prof Martin Green, including setting up experimental capabilities within SPREE for perovskite research and developing various advanced characterization approaches.
• Dr Huang has been successful as a Chief Investigator in securing numerous competitive grants and achieved research outcomes of high quality and high international impact with over 200 peer-reviewed publications.
• Dr Huang has supervised 44 PhD with 38 completions.

教授主页: https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/shujuan-huang






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