
在不久前举行的全国两会民生主题记者会上,国家卫健委主任雷海潮表示,将持续推进 “体重管理年” 行动,引导医疗卫生机构设立体重门诊,为居民提供专业咨询环境和平台。

Lei Haichao, head of the National Health Commission, has reaffirmed that authorities will continue to advance the three-year campaign aimed at guiding society toward better weight management, including setting up more weight management departments at medical institutions to provide professional services for those in need.

近期,各地医院已经开始陆续设立或升级体重管理门诊。该类门诊如何帮助大家管理体重?记者采访 “碳水之都” 山西省晋城市的一家减重代谢门诊了解情况。

In the past week, hospitals across the nation have launched or upgraded their weight management outpatient clinics, including one in Jincheng, North China’s Shanxi province.

据悉,晋城市人民医院2023年就开设了肥胖门诊,随着去年 “体重管理年” 行动的推出,该院进一步优化整合资源,于3月10日开设减重代谢门诊,实行一站式多学科管理。

Jincheng People’s Hospital established an obesity department in 2023, and upgraded it into a multidisciplinary facility that combines various disciplines amid the national push to fight excess weight and obesity.

该院内分泌科主任、减重代谢门诊医生李静表示,肥胖的原因简单说有单纯性肥胖(primary obesity)和继发性肥胖 (secondary obesity)。前者的成因有遗传、生活方式、饮食、运动、文化、社会心理等多种因素,而后者是因为某些内分泌疾病,比如甲状腺功能减退、皮质醇增多、高胰岛素血症等。

“大部分患者是单纯性肥胖,这就需要多学科协作共同完成,这里包括胃肠减重外科、营养科、中医科、精神卫生科、呼吸科等,新开设的门诊更加方便了患者,以前不同病因的患者需要转科室诊疗,现在病人不动了,我们相应科室医生根据病人需求前来问诊。” 她说道。

“Most patients have primary obesity, which requires multidisciplinary expertise in the fields of bariatric surgery, nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine, mental health, respiratory care and more,” said Li Jing, head of the Jincheng People's Hospital’s endocrinology department. “Such integration of expertise comes in handy when examining patients with different problems,” she said. "Patients no longer need to be transferred from one department to another for treatment, as specialists can address their concerns at this one-stop clinic.”



While helping patients’ transition to healthier diets and lifestyle choices is the fundamental treatment approach of the clinic, Li said that weight loss medicines and surgeries, as well as acupuncture, cupping and other traditional Chinese medicine therapies are also available.




“当我发现很难买到合身的衣服,而且膝盖开始疼痛时,我下定决心要去找专业医生来减肥,” 小吉说。

初次就诊,小吉接受了包括身高、体重、腰围、 BMI指数等在内的检查,以确定他的身体情况、代谢指标、基础病史等信息。

“医生还告诉我,体重增加以后,得糖尿病、高血压等代谢性疾病的风险和危害会增加,我就更加下定决心去减肥了,” 他说。




“第一个月是最艰难的,养成新的习惯和生活方式以后就简单很多了,” 他说。

记者:王小予 朱兴鑫

China Daily精读计划


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