Dongxing, a small town located on the China-Vietnam border in Guangxi, is infused with exotic charm due to its proximity to Vietnam. The Beilun River runs through the town, with Vietnam just across the water. Crossing the river, one can immediately sense the distinct cultural atmospheres of the two countries. From the rooftop of hotels like Vienna or Ramada, visitors can gaze across the border, experiencing the striking visual impact of standing between two nations.
The outdoor seating area at Saigon Coffee is a great spot for photo-taking, while the historic No. 5 Boundary Marker of the Qing Dynasty is hidden nearby, waiting to be discovered. The town's specialty drinks include Drip Coffee and Coconut Americano, known for their rich coconut flavor and tender, easy-to-scoop coconut flesh, leaving a lasting impression on visitors.
Just 7 kilometers from the Dongxing border checkpoint, the Zhushan Scenic Area is home to the No. 1 Boundary Marker of the Qing Dynasty and serves as the zero-kilometer starting point of Guangxi's coastal highway. Walking through Zhushan Ancient Street feels like stepping back in time, offering glimpses into the daily lives and traditions of the Jing people, an ethnic group with a deep cultural heritage.
Although the Jing Ethnic Museum is small, it is an excellent place to learn about the Jing culture. The museum provides a comprehensive display of the history and daily life of the Jing people, offering deeper insights into this ethnic group, which numbers only about 30,000 within China.