
Wei Yang, Shasha Liu, Liang Deng, Dinghao Luo, Zhaoyang Ran, Tinglong Chen, Lei Wang, Kai Xie, Junxiang Wu, Wenbo Jiang, Ping Liu, Jingke Fu, Yongqiang Hao, Kerong Dai. Additive Manufacturing Technology Lends Wings to Orthopedic Clinical Treatment - The Innovative Development of Medical Additive Manufacturing in Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital. Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, 2024, 200176.





Fig. 1. Timeline of personalized prostheses development and some key milestones achieved by the Orthopedics Department Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital






Fig. 2. 3D-printing hip prostheses used for revision total hip arthroplasty with complex acetabular bone defects. (A) Preoperative and postoperative X-ray examinations; (B) Standard design process for the integrated revision prosthesis; (C) Computer simulation of the prosthesis installation; (D) Intraoperative prosthesis installation and comparison of implant overlap; Parts A-D adapted form Ref. [7] Elsevier

Fig. 3. Definition and 3D design diagrams of bone defect ranges: (A) 3D design of preoperative prosthesis for bone defect range into types I-V; (B) Definitions for bone defect type classification; (C) 3D design diagrams of preoperative prosthesis for bone defects in subtypes A and B; (D) Definitions for bone defect subtype classification; Parts A-D adapted form Ref. [9] Elsevier

Fig. 4. Research results from Prof. Hao's group on titanium alloy stent: (A) Evaluation of scaffold aperture: (a) Scaffolds used in the in vitro experiment; (b) Cell adhesion on the tested scaffolds; (c) Scaffolds used in vivo experiments and gross specimens at different time points (3, 6 and 12 months); Part A adapted form Ref. [10] Nature Publishing Group; (B) Design and characterization of porous scaffolds with different rod geometries: (a) Design drawings; (b) General images of porous scaffolds; (c) Distribution of MC3T3-E1 cells on three scaffolds with different rod structures; Part B adapted form Ref. [14] Springer; (C) Effect of partially melted particles: (a) Surface morphology characterization of five Ti6Al4V implants; (b) Representative images of methicillin-resistant MRSA and E.coli grown on the five Ti6Al4V implants; (c) Adhesion and morphology of hBMSCs after 1 day and alizarin-red staining of calcium nodules after 21 days; Part C adapted form Ref. [15] the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons; (D) Effect of polymetallic alloys: (a) Computer-aided design and SEM micrographs of blank scaffolds; (b) Three-dimensional reconstruction from tomographic images; (c) Fluorescent double label detection; (d) SEM micrographs showing bone microstructure (gray areas indicate new bone); Part D adapted form Ref. [17] ACS

Fig. 5. Research results from Prof. Hao's group on bio-functional metal implants: (A) Evaluation of bio-functional metal implants: (a) Porous Ta and porous Ti6Al4V scaffolds used in vitro, with hBMSCs adhering to the scaffolds; (b) SEM micrographs showing bone apposition and microstructure on porous scaffolds at different positions at 4, 6, and 12 weeks (gray areas indicate new bone); Part A adapted form Ref. [24] ACS; (B) Design and antibacterial activity of 3D-printed JDBM implants, both in vitro and in vivo; Part B adapted form Ref. [32] Elsevier; (C) Biodegradable magnesium screw: preoperative and postoperative radiographs of a young female patient with a trimalleolar fracture and a mid-age female patient with a medial malleolar fracture; Part C adapted form Ref. [33] Elsevier; (D) Images and SEM surface micrographs of Mg alloy scaffolds, as well as Micro-CT, HE, and Masson’s trichrome staining of femoral samples of osteoporotic rats; Part D adapted form Ref. [34] Whioce Publishing Pte. Ltd.

Fig. 6. Repair and reconstruction with biological 3D-printed bioactive scaffolds following tibial tumor resection: (A) Imaging examination of lower left extremity (a-d); (B) Computer-aided design and printing of the bioactive scaffold; (C) Tumor resection of the left tibia and implantation of the bioprinted scaffold; (D) Postoperative X-ray and CT examination of the lower left extremity; Parts A-D adapted form Ref. [50] Whioce Publishing Pte. Ltd.



郝永强(通讯作者),医学博士,上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院骨科主任医师,上海交通大学医学院教授,博士生导师,国家重点研发计划首席科学家。上海市卫建委重点专科生物医用材料学科带头人、上海市医学3D打印技术临床转化工程研究中心主任、上海骨科创新器械与个性化医学工程技术研究中心主任、骨科行政副主任。秉承 “理念为先,创新引领;以临床需求为导向,以临床转化为牵引,依托国际前沿技术,医工合作,产学研结合”。近年来,主持国家科技部重点研发计划(3D打印个性化硬组织重建植入器械)、科技部“863”(高强韧医用镁合金材料)与“973”(新型医用材料的功能化设计及生物适配)子课题、国家自然科学基金等国家级课题7项;主持上海市高峰学科建设项目、上海市临床重点专科项目、上海市申康医院发展中心新兴前沿技术项目及疑难疾病精准诊治攻关项目、上海市科委医学领域科技支撑项目等省部级课题12项。在国内外知名学术杂志上发表研究论文145余篇,其中,以第一/通讯作者在Adv Funct Mater(3篇,IF:16.8)、Mol Cancer(1篇,IF 15.3)、Biomaterials(3篇,IF:10.3)等期刊上发表SCI论文62篇,已获国家专利授权47项,获计算机软件著作权3项。创建3D打印个性化病变模型、个性化手术辅助导板及个性化3D打印金属重建假体的“三位一体”个性化医疗模式及骨肿瘤精准切除与个体化重建的关键技术体系,研究成果居于世界先进水平。自主研发的3D打印个性化骨盆重建假体获国内首张备案许可证。以第一完成人获得上海市科学技术进步奖一等奖1项、中国产学研合作创新成果奖一等奖1项、上海市康复医学科技奖一等奖1项;获中国高校科学技术奖二等奖(2001年)、中华医学科技奖三等奖(2002年)(第5完成人)、上海市科技进步三等奖(2004年)(第2完成人)各1项。2018年获《科学中国人》年度人物。


1․ 个性化骨肿瘤及复杂骨疾病诊疗关键技术及应用研究




2․ 3D打印医学应用的基础与临床研究




3․ 新型骨修复材料的基础与转化研究









5․ 生物打印活性组织器官关键技术及转化研究




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[13] Meng, X.; Liu, Z.; Yang, Y.; Li, J.; Ran, Z.; Zhu, Y.; Fu, J.*; He, Y.*; Hao, Y.. Engineered Microcystis aerugiosa Hydrogel as an Anti-Tumor Therapeutic by Augmenting Tumor Immunogenicity and Immune Responses. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. 2024. 10.1002/adfm.202305915

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作 者:杨 威

责任编辑:李 娜

责任校对: 金 程

审 核: 张 强















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