
US President Donald Trump recited a letter he received earlier Tuesday from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, saying that the wartime president wants to come back to the table after an explosive Oval Office meeting last week broke down negotiations for a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.

而泽连斯基的发言人、乌克兰总统新闻秘书谢尔盖·尼基福罗夫(Serhii Nykyforov)表示,泽连斯基没有写任何信件,特朗普指的是他在社交平台X公开发布的一则帖子。

Zelensky's spokesman, Serhii Nykyforov, said that the Ukrainian president had not sent a "letter" and that Trump was referring to his post on X (Twitter).

据乌克兰国家通讯社(Ukinform)报道,乌克兰驻美国大使奥克萨娜·马尔卡罗娃(Oksana Markarova)在社交平台发帖评论称 ,“在相当具有挑战性的情况下,我们仍在前进,建立关系并推动我们的优先事项。特朗普总统在向全国发表讲话时,宣读了我国总统泽连斯基的一则贴文,并说‘我感谢他发来了这封信’。”

"In a very challenging situation, we are still moving forward, building relations and promoting our priorities. President Donald Trump read out a post by our President Volodymyr Zelensky in his address to the nation and said, 'I appreciate that he sent this letter,'" said Oksana Markarova, Ukrainian Ambassador to the US.

马尔卡罗娃 资料图 图源:乌媒


来源:环球时报 美联社 Ukinform 乌克兰真理报

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