Today (Feb 28), a similar celestial event is unfolding! A rare celestial phenomenon known as the "seven-planet alignment" is currently occurring in our solar system, featuring Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars positioned in a remarkable straight line.
In Chinese culture, reverence for the cosmos and nature has been deeply rooted since ancient times, along with the tradition of "astrological divination for blessings". This event has been sensationalized by some self-publishing media as a "once-in-a-millennium convergence of cosmic energies" and an "auspicious cosmic sign". Netizens have humorously suggested it might be time to "summon the divine dragon" or "defy fate through cosmic intervention".
“七星连珠”的天象与中国传统文化中“天人合一”(harmony between heaven and humanity)、“道法自然”(following nature's order)的哲学思想有着深刻的内在关联。
This planetary alignment resonates profoundly with the traditional Chinese philosophical concepts of "harmony between heaven and humanity" and "following nature's order".
例如古代典籍《史记·天官书》就有记载:“五星合,是为易行,有德者受庆,无德者受殃。”明清民间流传的《烧饼歌》(The Pancake Song)则有着“乾坤气运转如轮,七星连珠定乾坤”的预言。
According to the Shanghai Astronomy Museum, all planets in our solar system orbit the sun within nearly the same plane. Even Mercury, which has the largest orbital inclination, tilts by only 7 degrees.
Data from the National Astronomical Observatories reveals stark differences in orbital periods: Mercury completes a solar orbit in 88 days, Venus in 225 days, Mars in 687 days, Jupiter in 11.9 years, Saturn in 29.5 years, Uranus in 84 years and Neptune in 164.8 years. These mismatched cycles make a seven-planet alignment exceptionally rare.
The seven-planet alignment is not a strictly defined astronomical term but describes a visual phenomenon where seven planets appear on the same side of the sun. The frequency varies with angular spread criteria. For example, alignments with a 117 degree angular spread (like the current event) recur every three to five years.
“张角”(Angular spread)是指行星在天空分布的最大夹角,当张角越小时,连珠越紧密,行星几乎排列成一条直线,视觉上更为罕见;反之当张角越大,连珠就会越松散,行星分布范围更广,发生的频率就会越高。
Angular spread refers to the maximum angle between planets in the sky. The smaller the angular spread, the tighter the planetary alignment becomes, with the planets nearly forming a straight line and creating a rarer visual spectacle. Conversely, a larger angular spread leads to a looser alignment, where planets are scattered over a wider area, resulting in more frequent occurrences of such events.
而上海天文台的数据显示,今年2月28日前后的 “七星连珠”从最西端的土星到最东端的火星张角已达到了 117°。上海天文馆展教中心副研究馆员施韡表示,这种条件下的 “七星连珠”其实在三五年里就会发生一次,上一次比较适合观测的“七星连珠”是2022年6月中旬的凌晨,条件好于这次,因为当时土星、天王星、海王星的位置都更好。
According to data from the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, the angular distance between Saturn in the far west and Mars in the far east during the seven-planet alignment around Feb 28 this year reached 117 degrees. Shi Wei, an associate research fellow at the Shanghai Astronomy Museum's Exhibition and Education Center, said that such seven-planet alignments occur roughly every three to five years. The last observable seven-planet alignment was in mid-June 2022, which had better conditions because the positions of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were more favorable.
Additionally, some people are concerned that the relative concentration of planets during the alignment might enhance the solar tidal force generated by the planetary system, potentially increasing solar activity and negatively impacting Earth.
However, objectively speaking, their combined gravitational influence on Earth remains far weaker than that of the sun and moon. Therefore, such planetary alignments have no discernible impact on Earth's tides, climate patterns, or geological activities.
In terms of visual experience, if you observe space with the naked eye, you can usually only see Venus, Jupiter and Mars. This is because Uranus and Neptune are too dim to be visible to the naked eye, and Saturn is often too close to the sun, making it easy to get lost in the twilight sky. Although Mercury sets 10 minutes later than Saturn, ideal observation conditions are needed to see it. Therefore, astronomy enthusiasts who want to see more planets should prepare a pair of binoculars or a telescope.
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