电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》中, 哪吒收服土拨鼠的片段, 让不少人对憨态可掬的土拨鼠很好奇。
24日,一则 女子看哪吒后网购土拨鼠, 疑收到野生旱獭 的消息引发关注。
The adorable groundhog featured in the Chinese animation blockbuster Ne Zha 2 has captivated many a viewer — including a Shanghai woman, who purchased a potentially dangerous wild rodent online.
据@荔枝新闻 报道,近日,上海一女子称自己看完电影《哪吒2》后,很喜欢里面憨态可掬的土拨鼠,于是网购了一只当宠物。不料到手后发现和预期差距较大:鼠爪、鼠身都有伤口,甚至还有蜱虫,遂将其发至网络控诉商家。
The woman was so charmed by the film's chubby and endearing groundhog that she decided to buy one as a pet from an online seller. However, upon receiving the animal, she discovered it was far from the cuddly creature she had expected. The marmot arrived with visible wounds on its paws and body, along with ticks embedded in its fur. Shocked and disappointed, she posted about her experience online, accusing the seller of fraud.
The situation quickly took a serious turn when netizens pointed out that the animal she had received might actually be a wild tarbagan marmot, a species known to carry high-risk pathogens — including the plague. The revelation sparked public concern, with some urging her to report the case to local health authorities. The woman later claimed she had returned the marmot to the seller.
对此,上海疾控中心的工作人员回应称: 已接到相关举报, 目前正在核实调查中, 同时安抚公众不必过于恐慌。
The Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed that it had received related reports and was investigating the case. While assuring the public that not all tarbagan marmots carry the plague pathogen, officials emphasized that the risk of infection exists and should not be ignored.
“即便是野生旱獭,也只有一定的感染鼠疫几率,并非必然携带。”建议大家尽量少接触野生动物, 切勿购买,因为“即便是人工养殖的也存在携带病毒的风险”。截至发稿,涉事商家已下架相关商品。
The local CDC advised people to avoid contact with wild animals and refrain from purchasing them, as even farm-raised creatures can carry infectious diseases. Following the public outcry, the online seller has removed the listing for the animal.
专家表示, 女子网购“土拨鼠”或为喜马拉雅旱獭, 本质上属于野生动物。 除正规野生动物园或繁育机构外, 个人没有渠道或是方式来饲养。 旱獭出现在个人商家 或是类似宠物博主的频道中都是不合法的。 此外,邮寄运输野生动物 也有相关的检疫检验要求。
Tarbagan marmots are the primary hosts for the bacterium responsible for the plague. The disease, infamous for devastating Europe during the Black Death in the 14th century, is listed as a Category A infectious disease in China due to its high fatality rate and rapid transmission. If left untreated, plague mortality rates range from 30 percent to 100 percent.
来源:中国青年报 上海日报 荔枝新闻 看看新闻 小红书《博物》 网友评论等