由于不再需要捕猎,猫咪现在可以全天享受定时定量的食物,这使得它们的进食模式发生了根本性的改变。加上遗传、性别、品种等因素的影响,猫咪更容易出现超重和肥胖(overweight and obesity,O&O)问题。
图1 超重和肥胖(O&O)在家猫中的风险因素、生物标志物及相关病症。
体况评分(body condition score,BCS)是最常用的半定量评估猫咪体况的方法19-22。BCS采用1到5的半数分制或1到9的整数分制。
体质指数(body mass index,BMI)也是评估猫咪肥胖的重要指标。BMI通过测量猫咪的胸围和腿部长度,计算体脂百分比,帮助更精确地判断猫咪的体重状况。
图 2 计算猫体重指数 (BMI) 的方程式。
1.1 品种
1.2 年龄
1.3 性别与绝育
干粮 vs 湿粮:以干粮为主食的猫咪比吃湿粮的猫咪更容易超重,风险高达2.4倍。
4.2 宏量营养素
4.3 生活方式
4.4 主人的认知与行为
1Miyazaki T,Sasaki SI,Toyoda A,et al.Influences of taurine deficiency on bile acids of the bile in the cat model.Adv Exp Med Biol 2019;1155:35–44.
2.Forman MA,Steiner JM,Armstrong PJ,et al.ACVIM consensus statement on pancreatitis in cats.J Vet Intern Med2021;35:703–723.
3.Hoenig M.The cat as a model for human obesity and diabetes.J Diabetes Sci Technol 2012;6:525–533.
4.Rowe E,Browne W,Casey R,et al.Risk factors identified for owner-reported feline obesity at around one year of age:dry diet and indoor lifestyle.Prev Vet Med 2015;121:273–281.
5,Wallis N and Raffan E.The genetic basis of obesity andrelated metabolic diseases in humans and companion animals.Genes(Basel)2020;11.DOI:10.3390/genes11111378.
6.Koenen M,Hill MA,Cohen P,et al.Obesity,adipose tissueand vascular dysfunction.Circ Res 2021;128:951–968.
7.Corbee RJ.Obesity in show cats.J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr(Berl)2014;98:1075–1080.
8.Clark M and Hoenig M.Feline comorbidities:pathophysiology and management of the obese diabetic cat.J FelineMed Surg 2021;23:639–648.
9.German AJ.The growing problem of obesity in dogs andcats.J Nutr 2006;136:1940S–1946S.
10.Chandler M,Cunningham S,Lund EM,et al.Obesity andassociated comorbidities in people and companion animals:a one health perspective.J Comp Pathol 2017;156:296–309.
11.Shepherd M.Canine and feline obesity management.VetClin North Am Small Anim Pract 2021;51:653–667.
12.Cave NJ,Allan FJ,Schokkenbroek SL,et al.A crosssectional study to compare changes in the prevalence andrisk factors for feline obesity between 1993 and 2007 inNew Zealand.Prev Vet Med 2012;107:121–133.
13.Vandendriessche VL,Picavet P and Hesta M.First detailednutritional survey in a referral companion animal population.J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr(Berl)2017;101:4–14.
14.Öhlund M,Palmgren M and Holst BS.Overweight in adultcats:a crosssectional study.Acta Vet Scand 2018;60:5.DOI:10.1186/s13028-018-0359-7.
15.Wall M,Cave NJ and Vallee E.Owner and cat-related riskfactors for feline overweight or obesity.Front Vet Sci 2019;
16.Witzel AL.Comorbidities associated with obesity.In:Ettinger SJ,Feldman EC and CôtéE(eds).Textbook of veterinary internal medicine:diseases of the dog and the cat.8th ed.St Louis,MO:Elsevier,2017,pp 2171–2174.
17.Zhao J,Zhou A and Qi W.The potential to fight obesitywith adipogenesis modulating compounds.Int J Mol Sci2022;23.DOI:10.3390/ijms23042299.
18.Lin X and Li H.Obesity:epidemiology,pathophysiology,and therapeutics.Front Endocrinol(Lausanne)2021;12.DOI:10.3389/fendo.2021.706978.
19.Teng KT,McGreevy PD,Toribio JL,et al.Strong associations of nine-point body condition scoring with survivaland lifespan in cats.J Feline Med Surg 2018;20:1110–1118.
20.Martins TO,Ramos RC,Possidonio G,et al.Feline obesitycauses hematological and biochemical changes and oxidative stress–a pilot study.Vet Res Commun 2023;47:167–177.
21.World Small Animal Veterinary Association.Body condition score.https://wsava.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Body-Condition-Score-cat-updated-August-2020.pdf(2020,accessed 11 April 2024).
22.Shoveller AK,DiGennaro J,Lanman C,et al.Trained vsuntrained evaluator assessment of body condition scoreas a predictor of percent body fat in adult cats.J Feline MedSurg 2014;16:957–965.
23.Butterwick R.How fat is that cat?J Feline Med Surg 2000;2:91–94.
24.Okada Y,Ueno H,Mizorogi T,et al.Diagnostic criteria forobesity disease in cats.Front Vet Sci 2019;6.DOI:10.3389/fvets.2019.00284.
25.Colliard L,Paragon BM,Lemuet B,et al.Prevalence andrisk factors of obesity in an urban population of healthycats.J Feline Med Surg 2009;11:135–140.
26.Wei A,Fascetti AJ,Kim K,et al.Post-castration variationsin weight gain in a cohort of young adult male cats.J NutrSci 2014;3.DOI:10.1017/jns.2014.37.
27.Allaway D,Gilham MS,Colyer A,et al.Metabolic profiling reveals effects of age,sexual development and neutering in plasma of young male cats.PLoS One 2016;11.DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0168144.
28.de Godoy MR and Shoveller AK.Overweight adult catshave significantly lower voluntary physical activity thanadult lean cats.J Feline Med Surg 2017;19:1267–1273.
29.Teixeira FA,Queiroz MR,Oba PM,et al.Brazilian ownersperception of the body condition score of dogs and cats.BMC Vet Res 2020;16:463.DOI:10.1186/s12917-020-02679-8.
30.Teng KT,McGreevy PD,Toribio JLML,et al.Positive attitudes towards feline obesity are strongly associated withownership of obese cats.PLoS One 2020;15.DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0234190.
31.Machado DS,Gonçalves LDS,Vicentini RR,et al.Belovedwhiskers:management type,care practices and connections to welfare in domestic cats.Animals(Basel)2020;10.DOI:10.3390/ani10122308.
32.Chiang CF,Villaverde C,Chang WC,et al.Prevalence,riskfactors,and disease associations of overweight and obesity in cats that visited the Veterinary Medical TeachingHospital at the University of California,Davis from January 2006 to December 2015.Top Companion Anim Med 2022;DOI:10.1016/j.tcam.2021.100620.
33.Hoelmkjaer KM and Bjornvad CR.Management of obesityin cats.Vet Med(Auckl)2014;5:97–107.
34.Teng KT,McGreevy PD,Toribio JALML,et al.Associationsof body condition score with health conditions related tooverweight and obesity in cats.J Small Anim Pract 2018;59:603–615.
35.O’Neill DG,Gunn-Moore D,Sorrell S,et al.Commonlydiagnosed disorders in domestic cats in the UK and theirassociations with sex and age.J Feline Med Surg 2023;25.DOI:10.1177/1098612X231155016.
36.Mizorogi T,Kobayashi M,Ohara K,et al.Effects of age oninflammatory profiles and nutrition/energy metabolismin domestic cats.Vet Med(Auckl)2020;11:131–137.
37.Backus RC,Cave NJ and Keisler DH.Gonadectomy andhigh dietary fat but not high dietary carbohydrate inducegains in body weight and fat of domestic cats.Br J Nutr2007;98:641–650.
38.Teng KT,McGreevy PD,Toribio JLML,et al.Risk factorsfor underweight and overweight in cats in metropolitanSydney,Australia.Prev Vet Med 2017;144:102–111.
39.Godfrey H,Morrow S,Abood SK,et al.Identifying thetarget population and preventive strategies to combat feline obesity.J Feline Med Surg 2024;26.DOI:10.1177/1098612X241228042.
Technical Documentation, 2025.
1Miyazaki T,Sasaki SI,Toyoda A,et al.Influences of taurine deficiency on bile acids of the bile in the cat model.Adv Exp Med Biol 2019;1155:35–44.
2.Forman MA,Steiner JM,Armstrong PJ,et al.ACVIM consensus statement on pancreatitis in cats.J Vet Intern Med2021;35:703–723.
3.Hoenig M.The cat as a model for human obesity and diabetes.J Diabetes Sci Technol 2012;6:525–533.
4.Rowe E,Browne W,Casey R,et al.Risk factors identified for owner-reported feline obesity at around one year of age:dry diet and indoor lifestyle.Prev Vet Med 2015;121:273–281.
5,Wallis N and Raffan E.The genetic basis of obesity andrelated metabolic diseases in humans and companion animals.Genes(Basel)2020;11.DOI:10.3390/genes11111378.
6.Koenen M,Hill MA,Cohen P,et al.Obesity,adipose tissueand vascular dysfunction.Circ Res 2021;128:951–968.
7.Corbee RJ.Obesity in show cats.J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr(Berl)2014;98:1075–1080.
8.Clark M and Hoenig M.Feline comorbidities:pathophysiology and management of the obese diabetic cat.J FelineMed Surg 2021;23:639–648.
9.German AJ.The growing problem of obesity in dogs andcats.J Nutr 2006;136:1940S–1946S.
10.Chandler M,Cunningham S,Lund EM,et al.Obesity andassociated comorbidities in people and companion animals:a one health perspective.J Comp Pathol 2017;156:296–309.
11.Shepherd M.Canine and feline obesity management.VetClin North Am Small Anim Pract 2021;51:653–667.
12.Cave NJ,Allan FJ,Schokkenbroek SL,et al.A crosssectional study to compare changes in the prevalence andrisk factors for feline obesity between 1993 and 2007 inNew Zealand.Prev Vet Med 2012;107:121–133.
13.Vandendriessche VL,Picavet P and Hesta M.First detailednutritional survey in a referral companion animal population.J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr(Berl)2017;101:4–14.
14.Öhlund M,Palmgren M and Holst BS.Overweight in adultcats:a crosssectional study.Acta Vet Scand 2018;60:5.DOI:10.1186/s13028-018-0359-7.
15.Wall M,Cave NJ and Vallee E.Owner and cat-related riskfactors for feline overweight or obesity.Front Vet Sci 2019;
16.Witzel AL.Comorbidities associated with obesity.In:Ettinger SJ,Feldman EC and CôtéE(eds).Textbook of veterinary internal medicine:diseases of the dog and the cat.8th ed.St Louis,MO:Elsevier,2017,pp 2171–2174.
17.Zhao J,Zhou A and Qi W.The potential to fight obesitywith adipogenesis modulating compounds.Int J Mol Sci2022;23.DOI:10.3390/ijms23042299.
18.Lin X and Li H.Obesity:epidemiology,pathophysiology,and therapeutics.Front Endocrinol(Lausanne)2021;12.DOI:10.3389/fendo.2021.706978.
19.Teng KT,McGreevy PD,Toribio JL,et al.Strong associations of nine-point body condition scoring with survivaland lifespan in cats.J Feline Med Surg 2018;20:1110–1118.
20.Martins TO,Ramos RC,Possidonio G,et al.Feline obesitycauses hematological and biochemical changes and oxidative stress–a pilot study.Vet Res Commun 2023;47:167–177.
21.World Small Animal Veterinary Association.Body condition score.https://wsava.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Body-Condition-Score-cat-updated-August-2020.pdf(2020,accessed 11 April 2024).
22.Shoveller AK,DiGennaro J,Lanman C,et al.Trained vsuntrained evaluator assessment of body condition scoreas a predictor of percent body fat in adult cats.J Feline MedSurg 2014;16:957–965.
23.Butterwick R.How fat is that cat?J Feline Med Surg 2000;2:91–94.
24.Okada Y,Ueno H,Mizorogi T,et al.Diagnostic criteria forobesity disease in cats.Front Vet Sci 2019;6.DOI:10.3389/fvets.2019.00284.
25.Colliard L,Paragon BM,Lemuet B,et al.Prevalence andrisk factors of obesity in an urban population of healthycats.J Feline Med Surg 2009;11:135–140.
26.Wei A,Fascetti AJ,Kim K,et al.Post-castration variationsin weight gain in a cohort of young adult male cats.J NutrSci 2014;3.DOI:10.1017/jns.2014.37.
27.Allaway D,Gilham MS,Colyer A,et al.Metabolic profiling reveals effects of age,sexual development and neutering in plasma of young male cats.PLoS One 2016;11.DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0168144.
28.de Godoy MR and Shoveller AK.Overweight adult catshave significantly lower voluntary physical activity thanadult lean cats.J Feline Med Surg 2017;19:1267–1273.
29.Teixeira FA,Queiroz MR,Oba PM,et al.Brazilian ownersperception of the body condition score of dogs and cats.BMC Vet Res 2020;16:463.DOI:10.1186/s12917-020-02679-8.
30.Teng KT,McGreevy PD,Toribio JLML,et al.Positive attitudes towards feline obesity are strongly associated withownership of obese cats.PLoS One 2020;15.DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0234190.
31.Machado DS,Gonçalves LDS,Vicentini RR,et al.Belovedwhiskers:management type,care practices and connections to welfare in domestic cats.Animals(Basel)2020;10.DOI:10.3390/ani10122308.
32.Chiang CF,Villaverde C,Chang WC,et al.Prevalence,riskfactors,and disease associations of overweight and obesity in cats that visited the Veterinary Medical TeachingHospital at the University of California,Davis from January 2006 to December 2015.Top Companion Anim Med 2022;DOI:10.1016/j.tcam.2021.100620.
33.Hoelmkjaer KM and Bjornvad CR.Management of obesityin cats.Vet Med(Auckl)2014;5:97–107.
34.Teng KT,McGreevy PD,Toribio JALML,et al.Associationsof body condition score with health conditions related tooverweight and obesity in cats.J Small Anim Pract 2018;59:603–615.
35.O’Neill DG,Gunn-Moore D,Sorrell S,et al.Commonlydiagnosed disorders in domestic cats in the UK and theirassociations with sex and age.J Feline Med Surg 2023;25.DOI:10.1177/1098612X231155016.
36.Mizorogi T,Kobayashi M,Ohara K,et al.Effects of age oninflammatory profiles and nutrition/energy metabolismin domestic cats.Vet Med(Auckl)2020;11:131–137.
37.Backus RC,Cave NJ and Keisler DH.Gonadectomy andhigh dietary fat but not high dietary carbohydrate inducegains in body weight and fat of domestic cats.Br J Nutr2007;98:641–650.
38.Teng KT,McGreevy PD,Toribio JLML,et al.Risk factorsfor underweight and overweight in cats in metropolitanSydney,Australia.Prev Vet Med 2017;144:102–111.
39.Godfrey H,Morrow S,Abood SK,et al.Identifying thetarget population and preventive strategies to combat feline obesity.J Feline Med Surg 2024;26.DOI:10.1177/1098612X241228042.
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