陈慧玲(东海岸集选区议员) 询问永续发展与环境部长:
(a) 鉴于高空抛物的公众反馈数量仍在上升,为何2023年的执法行动次数相比往年有所减少?
(b) 永续发展与环境部是否考虑采用更多技术手段,以加强监控能力,而不仅仅依赖基础摄像头和公众反馈?
傅海燕(永续发展与环境部长)部长回复:我的回答不仅涵盖陈慧玲议员的问题,还将一并解答陈有明(Dr Tan Wu Meng)、胡美霞(Ms Foo Mee Har)和杨涴淩(Ms Yeo Wan Ling)议员提出的相关国会提问,同时也回应谢秉辉(Edward Chia Bing Hui)议员在2025年1月7日提交的关于高空抛物的国会书面提问。[请参阅《部署监控摄像头抓捕高空抛物者及测试其他技术以辅助现有措施》,《国会官方记录》,2025年1月8日,第95卷,第149期,口头答复部分;以及《开发新技术解决方案检测高空抛物行为》,《国会官方记录》,2025年1月7日,第95卷,第148期,书面答复部分。]
在 2022年和2023年,NEA 每年平均收到 约27,100起高空抛物的公众反馈,这一数字显著低于2020年和2021年每年约33,500起的平均反馈量。当某座组屋(HDB) 楼宇有相关投诉时,NEA 会与市镇理事会(TC)合作,首先向该楼居民发出劝导通知。如果问题持续,NEA 会展开调查,以锁定潜在违规单位,并部署具备视频分析功能的监控摄像头进行取证,以辅助执法行动。
从 2021年到2023年,NEA在7,400起持续高空抛物案件中,约97.1% 的案件均成功部署摄像头进行监控。然而,剩余的案件因组屋设计、楼宇布局或缺乏合适的监控角度而无法安装摄像头。在无法部署摄像头的情况下,NEA 会 加强对受影响住户的教育宣传,并进行蹲点观察或在有目击证人的情况下进一步调查。此外,公众若掌握高空抛物的相关视频证据,也可提交给 NEA 以协助调查。
高空抛物执法行动的减少,可能受多种因素影响,包括天气、监控时长及摄像头是否被潜在违规者察觉等。因此,每年的执法行动数量可能有所波动。在 2021年至2023年期间,约 30% 的摄像头监控行动成功侦测到高空抛物行为,最终促成了超过3,300起执法行动。
2025年,NEA 计划实施新的运作措施,以提高监控成功率。这些措施包括:使用更高分辨率的摄像头,以更清晰地捕捉高空抛物行为;延长摄像头的部署时长,提高监控覆盖率;在更隐蔽的位置安装摄像头,以减少潜在违规者的警觉性,提高侦测率。
此外,为了增强公众意识并威慑违规行为,NEA 还将与市镇理事会(TCs) 合作,设置宣传立牌,显示当前区域正在进行监控,或列出该地点被捕获的高空抛物案件数量;张贴海报,向公众展示执法成果,提高居民的守法意识。
我们呼吁所有居民保持公德心,不要进行高空抛物。这种反社会行为不仅 危害公众安全,还影响环境卫生。
Miss Cheryl Chan Wei Ling asked the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment (a) what are the reasons for the decrease in the number of enforcement actions taken against high-rise littering in 2023 as compared to previous years given that feedback instances remain on the rise; and (b) whether the Ministry is considering more technology options to augment surveillance beyond basic cameras and public feedback.
Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien: My response to Miss Cheryl Chan Wei Ling, Dr Tan Wu Meng, Ms Foo Mee Har and Ms Yeo Wan Ling's Parliamentary Questions will also address the related Parliamentary Question on high-rise littering filed by Mr Edward Chia Bing Hui on 7 January 2025. [Please refer to "Deployment of Surveillance Cameras to Catch High-rise Littering and Trial of Other Technologies to Supplement Present Efforts", Official Report, 08 January 2025, Vol 95, Issue 149, Oral Answers to Questions section; and "Developing New Technical Solutions to Detect High-rise Littering", Official Report, 7 January 2025, Vol 95, Issue 148, Written Answers to Questions for Oral Answer not Answered by End of Question Time section.]
In addressing high-rise littering, the National Environment Agency (NEA) undertakes various measures to educate the public, detect instances of high-rise littering and enforce against offenders. In 2022 and 2023, NEA received an average of about 27,100 high-rise littering feedback per year. This was significantly lower than the annual average of about 33,500 feedback received in 2020 and 2021. When there is such feedback at a block of the Housing and Development Board flats, NEA will work with the Town Council (TC) to first issue advisories to residents in the block. Should the high-rise littering issue persist, NEA will investigate to determine the likely offending unit and deploy surveillance cameras with video analytics to capture acts of high-rise littering and support enforcement efforts.
Between 2021 and 2023, NEA deployed cameras in about 97.1% of 7,400 persistent high-rise littering cases. The remainder were assessed as unsuitable due to the design and layout of the blocks and the lack of appropriate vantage points. In instances where camera deployment is not feasible, NEA will step up educational outreach to households in the affected stack, conduct stakeouts and initiate further investigations if there are eyewitness accounts. Members of the public who are aware of their neighbours' littering behaviour may also submit video evidence of high-rise littering acts to NEA for investigation.
Depending on factors, such as the weather, duration of surveillance and visibility of the camera to would-be offenders, the detection rate of high-rise littering acts could vary and result in fluctuations in the yearly enforcement rate. From 2021 to 2023, such acts were detected in about 30% of surveillance cameras deployment resulting in over 3,300 enforcement actions. In the coming year, NEA will be introducing new operational measures to improve the detection rate. These include the use of cameras with higher resolution and longer deployment durations. Cameras will also be deployed in more covert locations to better detect high-rise littering activities.
To increase public awareness and deterrence against high-rise littering, NEA also collaborates with TCs to deploy standees indicating ongoing surveillance or localised statistics on offenders caught and display posters indicating the number of incidents of high-rise littering caught for the affected column.
My Ministry will continue to monitor and explore measures to enhance detection and enforcement capabilities for high-rise littering, including keeping pace with technological advancements in video analytics and artificial intelligence and monitoring the suitability and safety of technologies, such as drone flights, for high-rise littering surveillance. In addition, we will continue to strengthen partnerships with communities to develop localised solutions to address high-rise littering and urge residents to be considerate and not commit such acts, which is an anti-social behaviour that threatens public safety and hygiene.